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“I’m Steve.” The guy held out a hand and winked when I shook it. “My husband and I were trying to lure your boyfriend away with us, but now I have to turn that invite into two. We’d love to have dinner with you later in our cabin.”

“That’s nice of you to invite us.” I released his hand without offering my name. “But we won’t be here for long, and we’re planning to make our time here very private.”

“Ah, you guys don’t share.” He bit his bottom lip.

“I’m not the sharing kind.”

“What he said,” Kit agreed, surprising me. “Sorry, love. It’s not you. It’s us. I’m sure you and your husband are lovely.”

“And there’s nothing we can do to get you to change your mind?”


“Well, that sucks. We’ll just watch from a distance, then. It was nice to meet another hot gay couple.”

When the guy walked back to his husband, I nuzzled Kit’s neck. He chuckled. “You’re not very subtle, you know. What were you doing? Watching us from the beach house?”

“Damn straight. What did you say to him that he thought he had a chance with us both?”

“I told him I didn’t think you were into sharing, but that we’ve never talked about it, so it would be best to ask when you joined me.”

I pulled back and cocked my head. “Would you have been down for it if I were?”

He shrugged. “It’s only hot if both parties are interested in swapping or sharing.”

“Nice way to avoid the question.”

“I’m not avoiding it. You might just not like my answer.”

“Try me.”

“Obviously, I don’t have an issue with you wanting to share me with someone else. It might sound strange, but after sleeping with so many men for money, I wouldn’t feel any different about it, and if I knew it was something that would turn you on, then I’m all for it.”


“And this is where it gets tricky. I don’t think I’d be okay with you sleeping with someone else. See, I told you that it was messed up.”

“Do you want to sleep with other guys?” He wiggled his bottom against my crotch, and I loosened my hold. “Sorry.”

“I don’t want to, but I’d enjoy it if it’s what you want. I know it seems super confusing, especially given I don’t want you sleeping with anyone else. It’s just that for me, this has been the norm. First for money and now it would be for you. Am I making any sense?”

“Hold on. Let me think about it.” It seemed unfair for him to be open to considering sleeping with other men but closed off to me doing the same. A bit of a double standard.

“So let’s say we were to take those guys up on their offer. You wouldn’t mind going off to have sex with them while I stayed home waiting for you to finish?”

“No, not like that. I’m making a mess of this.” He turned and straddled my thighs. “Like I said, it’s not a running theme in my head that I want to sleep with other people. It’s not something I think about, but if you were to invite someone to join us while we were having sex because you wanted to get off on someone fucking me, then I’d be okay with that. I’m not looking to go to some strange man’s house for sex on my own. How would that be for your pleasure?”

“I think I understand what you’re saying.”

He released a loud, whooshing breath. “Good, ’cause I really don’t want you to have the wrong idea. I’m all into you, Sullivan. Just you.”

I ran a hand down his bare back, an idea running through my mind. “How do you feel about other people watching?”

“Watching what?”

“Us having sex together. Would you be down for that?”

He grinned. “Why, Mr. Matthews, you dirty, dirty old man. Are you telling me you’re into voyeurism?”

Tags: Gianni Holmes A Hitman's Bait Erotic