Page 50 of Kingdom of Wolves

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It made sense. I still didn’t trust this guy, nor did I think what he was doing with my blood was a good thing, but I needed his help. And I would do anything to help my pack.

“Take whatever you need.”

We went into a small sitting room, where I stripped out of my clothing and shifted into my wolf form. I found it harder than normal to let go of my human self, as the magic in and around this house made my shifter intensely uncomfortable.

Once I shifted, the warlock injected a needle into one of my back legs, drawing my blood into a bunch of small vials.

“Thank you,” he said, once he was done.

I forced my body back to humanity.

When I was dressed, I left, feeling a little used and drained. But, just like last time he’d taken my blood, I believed that I’d made the right choice. I’d do anything at all to save my pack—and my Alpha.

I jogged down the path back to Monique’s newly expanded cottage.

My heart thumped and my stomach ached with unease when I reached for the front door. What would they be doing inside? Would I be walking into my worst nightmare? My woman mating with another man.

Stop it, you idiot.He’sher mate, too.

I shook myself, two silent voices battling for dominance in my head.

You have to get used to it. They’ll be going at it any time they want.

Yeah, but Kyle said he wouldn’t bed her yet. And he won’t. He gave me his word.

A growl ripped out of my chest. I shoved open the door, the wood complaining as it almost came off its hinges. My hands tightened into fists, and I had to fight the urge to shift into attack mode.

My rising anger cooled the moment I stepped inside. Monique and Kyle were seated on the sofa together, reading. Well, Monique was reading a book, her head in Kyle’s lap.

Kyle was staring down at our mate, stroking the hair back from her face.

It was an intimate moment, clearly, but it wasn’t sex.

They jumped up, but this image of Kyle with Monique was burned into my retinas, calming my wolf. The love was obvious. He would love and protect her, forever. Just as I would.

Monique would always be safe, and loved, even if something happened to me. Fate hadn’t made a mistake. This gorgeous red-haired witch needed two mates. Why? That wasn’t entirely clear yet, but I was sure the reason would reveal itself in time.

“Xander, what the fuck, man?” Kyle said.

“Sorry.” I shut the door quietly, and shot him an apologetic grin. “I didn’t mean to scare you guys.”

And I hadn’t, though their comfort hadn’t been at the forefront of my mind as I’d charged through the door.

“How’d it go?” Monique asked, walking toward me with her large book held against her chest.

“It went well.” I grabbed her by the waist, drawing her against my body. I took the book from her loose grip and placed it down on a nearby table. “Learnt a few things about the witch who cursed us.”

Kyle crossed his arms over his chest. “Spill.”

I gave them a quick rundown about the witch being the high warlock’s sister, and the fact that we needed to find out how the spell was done, so we could destroy it.

Kyle’s jaw dropped. “So, you’re saying that we might need to kill the Alpha?”

“Hell no!” I drew Monique to the sofa and sat down with her in my lap. She was perfect to hold, warm and soft. “But if that’s the only option that we present to him, I know what he’ll choose. It’s the same thing I’d choose if I were in his shoes.”

Kyle grunted and glanced away. He knew, too. No Alpha would let his pack suffer for decades if he had a way of freeing them.

“So, what should we do now?” Kyle asked, glancing at me.

Tags: Amelia Shaw Paranormal