Page 26 of Kingdom of Wolves

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No, strike that. I’dneverfelt like this. Every cell in my body was vibrating with awareness and pleasure.

“Like... um...” She closed her eyes and tilted her head into my caress. “Hot. And achy. In a good way.”

I lifted my other hand and cradled her beloved face.Beloved? I searched inside myself. Yes, that was the right word.

“God, you’re so beautiful.”

Her eyes popped open and she stared up at me, the violet blue color of her irises now a swirl of silver and purple.

I lowered my head, but paused an inch above her lips. I waited, not wanting to force her to do anything she didn’t want.

She pushed up on her toes, closing the final inch between us and meeting me in the middle.

Her lips were like soft petals of perfection. I closed my eyes on a groan, wrapping my arms around her waist and hauling her closer.

She felt perfect in my arms. She fit against me like she was designed just for me, and in a way... she was.

I pushed the worry about Kyle and his response to Monique to the back of my mind, and encouraged her lips to open. She gasped and I slid my tongue in to taste her.

She melted against me like butter on a griddle.

I had to grab her ass with both hands to hold her up.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her breasts against my chest.

I picked her up and carried her over to the kitchen table, then placed her down on the round wooden surface, lifting her thighs so they’d wrap around my waist.

She moaned and the noise hit me right in the cock, making blood rush to my groin and my balls ache with need.

She slid her hands under my shirt, her fingers warm and searching as she caressed my abs, then crept up to my chest.

I groaned, the sound feral. I pulled back and ripped off my shirt, wanting to feel her against my bare skin.

She stared at me, pressing her palms flat against my pecs. “Wow.”

“What’s wow?” I asked, stepping between her wide-open thighs.

“You’re so beautiful.” She stroked over my chest, then touched my erect nipples with her fingertips.

I shuddered. “God, that feels good.”

She leaned forward and touched her lips to my chest.

I slid my hand into her long hair, then tilted her head up so I could kiss her.

There was a loud cough behind us. “Am I interrupting something?”

Monique squeaked, pushed hard on my chest so I took an automatic step back, and jumped off the table.

“Oh, my God. Kyle. I’m so sorry.” She covered her mouth with her fingers, looking truly horrified.

I turned to my Beta. “Yes. You’re interrupting us.”

Kyle’s eyes flashed yellow and a low growl rolled through the room. “She’s my mate too, Xander. You don’t get to just... take her.”

I glowered at my friend, my Beta, the man who would stand beside me when I stepped up to run our pack.

“Did you just call me your mate?” Monique said, taking a step toward Kyle.

Tags: Amelia Shaw Paranormal