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“I think it is just so romantic that you came all the way back from Hell for Thor,” Nina sighs. “You are truly meant for one another. Death itself cannot separate you. I love Bryn just as much, but there’s no demonstration like that. You have proof of one of the great loves.”

She really is a soft and sappy little thing underneath it all.

"She's a demon,” Bryn reminds her. “She didn’t survive death. She was made of it.”

“Listen, that's not my fault. I didn’t get any choice in my existence, no more than you did, or a frog does. I am me, and you're the only one who seems to have a problem with it.”

“The Brotherhood has splintered over my lax attitude to demons. This is a step further than any of them would ever tolerate. It is one thing to have servant demons working their way toward mortality through service, but a recalcitrant little wench with no interest in the welfare of th…”

“I didn’t say I had no interest in your stupid welfare.”

“Very diplomatic,” Thor murmurs in my ear.

“Besides, for demon hunters, you’re very bad at knowing when you're in the presence of a demon. So it's not as if any of them will know. You might be the worst collection of demon hunters that ever demon hunted, to be frank.”

Bryn's expression grows ever more thunderous, until Nina reaches over and puts her hand gently on his arm.

“We don’t always like what love looks like,” she says. “But we know when we are in its presence, and this is love.”

She’s like a walking greeting card, but I’m not going to point that out in my typically cynical fashion. She’s on our side, and I am certain that she is the only person capable of containing Bryn. Left to his own devices, he would be one of the most destructive forces on the planet. She moderates him.

I wonder if Thor will moderate me. Will I become pleasingly domestic? Another of Direview's captive brides gleefully living my life at the carnal pleasure of my master? The idea doesn’t sound entirely terrible. It might even be something akin to a happily ever after.

“Are you going to say anything about this?” I nudge an elbow gently back against his midsection.

“I have no words to describe what I would do for you," Thor says. “The Brotherhood is not my concern anymore. I do not care about the petty infighting of men who should know better, who should forgive more, who should understand that our primary role is to do good in this world, and the next.”

Bryn sighs. “So this is how it is to be? A demon hunting brotherhood outnumbered by demons in their own home?”

“It would appear so, brother,” Thor says without a hint of regret.

“May as well declare ourselves a demon rescue, a rehabilitation service for doomed souls,” Bryn sighs, even deeper than before. He is coming to terms with things being as they are, the infinite inevitability of me.

“Right, then, Thor and I are going back to bed,” I declare, sliding my hand into Thor’s great paw. "If you need anything, don't call us.”

“My little demon.” Thor purrs against my neck.

We are barely back in the privacy of his bed chamber before he is buried inside me, my hot core wrapped around his rock-hard rod. I will spend an eternity like this, fucking him, being fucked by him and being loved forever.


“Yes?” He grunts in my ear, his hips stilling.

“Can I still be wanted for murder if I’m dead?”

“Don’t worry about the law,” he growls, pinning me down and plunging his cock slowly in and out of me. “I am your law now. I am your beginning, and your end. I will summon you, and you will come. Do you understand me?”

He starts hammering inside me, driving me toward a vicious orgasm that will not be denied. I feel the hot, hard heat of his cock pounding inside me, my demonic flesh all too human for this perfect coupling.

“Come for me. Now. COME!” His orders ring in my ears like thunder.

I have no choice but to obey. I come hard, clenching him deep inside my body, draining him of his seed, joining him as an equal partner in all things eternal.

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Tags: Loki Renard Blood Brotherhood Fantasy