Page 29 of A Snowflake Wish

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“It’s beautiful,” she stated softly as she stared up at the tree.

Deckard’s voice had changed a few octaves lower when he replied, “Yes, it is.”

Instinctively she looked up at the man that had moved next to her and met his pinned stare.

“Deckard.” The name flew from her mouth in a voice she didn’t recognize. It was wanton and needy and a far cry from how she usually sounded. Deckard not only had her feeling emotions and desires she had never felt before, but he even had her sounding different.

January didn’t know how to ask for what she wanted.

Where was Santa when she needed him?

“If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be held responsible for my actions,” Deckard growled. The bellowing noise had January’s panties soaked before he could even finish his sentence.

“How am I looking at you?”

“Like you wish that I’d strip you bare and have my way with you. Does that sound about right?” Deckard asked, extending his hand to run down her arm. At the contact, January jumped. She was so lost in his words and how they made her want to liquefy into a puddle that she didn’t notice him move. The conscious effort to blink was a summon she could barely retain, let alone focus on what Deckard was doing.

His fingers skimmed across the naked skin of her shoulder where her sweatshirt had dipped. The move was both innocent and seductive, causing goosebumps to raise themselves all over her body. Despite the warmth of the room, the hairs on her arms stood up on its ends as she watched Deckard lean his head closer to her exposed skin.

An invisible circular path was drawn as Deckard moved his fingers aimlessly around her bare shoulder. “I really like this spot on you.” His lips placed the softest of kisses along her collarbone. “I like how you react.”

Something in the back of her mind registered that they had only known each other for a couple of days, regardless of the way her heart was telling her that it didn’t matter what her brain was trying to say.

But she couldn’t stop blurting the words, “Are we moving too fast?”

He immediately paused, his full lips hovered over her skin, and January wished that she could turn back time just a few seconds, especially when Deckard straightened his stance.

“Is that what you think? I won’t push you, January. We don’t have to do anything that you’re not ready for.”

A tiny sigh flew from her lips. “I have no idea what I want. I just know that regardless of how hard I fought it at first, I want you.”

“Why did you fight it?” he asked as he tucked a wayward strand of hair that had escaped from her ponytail behind her ear.

“I don’t know. I was scared, I think. I’ve never had relationships go very well when the holidays are involved and well. . .you were like the epitome of holiday cheer when we met.”

“I was?” he asked, January forgetting that though they met the same way, the situation was different.

“You were busy decorating a ton of Christmas trees and helped me find an ornament for my parent’s tree.”

Deckard took a step toward her, even though she didn’t know it was possible for them to be any closer. The hand that had been drawing lazily on her shoulder moved to cup her jaw. “Did I help you find what you were looking for?”

The way he asked the question January wasn’t sure if he was speaking about the ornament or something else entirely. She licked her lips, the sudden dryness of her mouth making it difficult to answer. His eyes scanned her face, those blue eyes of his darkening to an almost black, reflections of the lights on the tree glittered in his irises.

She painstakingly swallowed the lump lodged in her throat. “Yes, you did,” she whispered, w

ishing that she hadn’t spoken and ruined their moment seconds ago.

She wanted to tell him that it wasn’t just the ornament that he had chosen for her and the beautiful inscription, it was that he gave her the chance to be with him. She wanted to reply with, “You,” but somehow she didn’t think he’d understand the depth and feeling of the reply.

“I guess I should probably head out because I know that if I stay any longer, I’m liable to try to convince you to let me have my way with you.”

“That would probably be a good idea. I think I just need to wrap my head around everything. And also make a mental note that you have a little alpha in you. I didn’t see that coming.”

“I’m full of things that would surprise you,” he added just as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Gingerbread houses tomorrow?”

With the reminder, January instantly perked up. “Yes! And after talking with my parents last night, they want to join in. So, you . . .um. . . get to meet my parents.”

His hand slid down her arm until their fingers latched together. “I’m looking forward to it.” With a gentle squeeze of her hand, he pulled away taking heavy steps toward her door. “Goodnight, January.”

Tags: Renee Harless Romance