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My legs shoot together, my core clenching so hard at the thought that I think I orgasm a little bit. Excitement races through me, adrenaline sending my heartrate spiking. The thought of being completely at his mercy is overwhelming. I want it. Bad.

He notices my reaction. Pure wickedness flares in his eyes and his upper lip curves into a smile that I already know I'll never tired of seeing on his handsome face. He looks like a warlord, ready to claim his spoils.

"Maybe not an innocent little lamb after all," he says. "You got a little bit of a devilish side, don't you?" He leans in and nips at my shoulder.

"M-maybe," I whisper, my chest heaving up and then down as I try to suck in a breath that doesn't want to come. Lord, he's already got me sweating and overheated and he hasn't even really touched me yet.

"Baby girl, I'm going to do more than make you sweat. I'm going to make you beg," he growls against my skin, letting me know I said that out loud.

I whimper his name, desire boiling low in my stomach. Oh, God. I'm not going to survive this. He's going to ruin me, just like he threatened to do earlier.

He kisses a trail down my chest, groaning long and loud. He buries his face in my cleavage, peppering every inch with kisses and little bites that have me gasping out loud and struggling against the way he's holding my hands hostage. His teeth close around my nipple.


He adjusts his hold on me, capturing both hands in one of his. He uses the other to undo the clasp of my bra, growling in frustration when it doesn't easily come undone. He tongues my nipple through the lacy fabric and then bites down again. Finally, the stupid clasp releases.

He releases my hands long enough to help pull the straps off my arms. I try to use that momentary reprieve to my advantage and get my hands on him again, but he's a lot faster than I am. He has my arms pinned above my head again in two seconds.

"Fucking hell," he swears, pinching my nipple hard enough to have me sobbing his name, desperate for relief.

My clit pulses in time, another flood of arousal drenching my panties. I chafe my thighs together, trying to find a position that relieves a little of the ache, but it's useless. I'm not even tied up and I'm completely at his mercy.

He replaces his thumb with his teeth, closing them around my nipple. A growl rumbles in his chest, sounding for all the world like a territorial wolf. He licks and sucks and bites until I'm writhing against the door.

"Please, please," I plead, not sure how much more of this delicious torment I can take. It's too much and not enough.

"You need to come, baby girl?"

"Yes!" I sob.

As soon as the word leaves my lips, he releases my hands, dropping to his knees in front of me. I grasp onto his shoulders to hold myself upright because without him helping me, my legs are trembling too hard to do it myself.

"Spent a lot of time in the desert, wondering what heaven would feel like," he mutters, leaning forward to nip at my stomach. "Didn't think it'd be this goddamn perfect, Liberty. Lift your foot." He taps my right calf.

I do as instructed, lifting my foot from the floor for him. He pulls my shoe off my foot, bringing my foot up to press a kiss to the top of it before he places it back on the floor and then repeats the process with my left.

"One day soon, you're going to dig those pretty heels into my back while I'm fucking you," he says, grasping my hips and pulling me forward just far enough for him to reach the zipper on my skirt. The teeth part slowly.

His eyes meet mine, so blue I get a little lost in them.

He tugs my skirt down, allowing it to puddle at my feet. Even then, he holds my gaze captive, seemingly staring into me with adoration blazing in his eyes. Somehow, all those raw, exposed wounds that have always bled a little start to close up, as if he's stitching them back together with nothing more than the conviction in his eyes and the heat of his hands on my body.

"Killian," I whisper, the need to say…something…overwhelming me. But I don't know what to say or how to tell him that I'm falling in love with him.

He breaks my gaze finally, raking his eyes down my body. His chest shudders with the force of his exhale. "Jesus Christ," he breathes, reaching down to squeeze his cock. "You're going to have me coming all over myself like a teenager when I get those pretty panties off, baby girl."

"Do it."

"No. The next time I come, it'll be in that virgin cunt." He hooks his index fingers into my panties and starts tugging them down. "You smell like heaven. Bet your pussy taste like it too. I'm going to find out."

I grasp the doorknob, trying to keep myself upright.

"Fuck me," he groans, his eyes locked on my pussy like he can't look away. My panties hit the floor, pooling at my feet with my skirt. He leans forward and inhales before groaning again. One big hand latches around my thigh, helping me lift and drape it over his shoulder.

He turns his head, kissing my inner thigh and leaving me trembling all over again. He sinks his teeth into me, biting just hard enough to make me cry out his name. When he pulls back, I see the red mark he left on me. I see the possessiveness lighting his eyes too, feel it pouring over me, drowning me in the deluge of desire left behind.

The first touch of his tongue to my center has me sobbing his name. The second sets my blood on fire. I've never felt such pure, powerful bliss before, as if he's delivering an overdose of it directly into my veins with each decadent, heavenly touch of his tongue.

He grips me hard, pulling me closer, until both of my legs are thrown over his shoulders. His possessive hold on my ass is the only think keeping me from hitting the floor. He growls my name, using his entire face to get me off. There's nothing slow and sweet about it. Nothing gentle. He's a beast, taking what's his to claim.

And my God, I never want it to end.

I clutch at his hair, grinding shamelessly against his face. I can't stop myself. Something else is control now, the part of me he woke up yesterday. The one that wants to be naughty and defiant and live for challenging and rattling this man. It grows bigger, brighter inside me as he eats me, groaning my name and kneading my ass in his rough hands.

My heart thunders in my chest like a war drum. Sweat breaks out on my skin. He thrusts his tongue into me, fucking me with it. He's not gentle there either, snarling against my pussy as he fights to get it inside me, to claim that part of me too.

He spreads my cheeks apart, rocking me against his face. His nose grinds against my clit. His stubble abrades the sensitive skin on the insides of my thighs. If this is what heaven feels like, I never want to leave.

"Killian!" I shout, surprised when I feel his tongue against my back entrance. It feels good, better than I ever imagined that would feel. He presses against the tight ring of muscle, jostling his tongue back and forth until I'm sobbing his name so loud my throat hurts.

Tags: Nichole Rose Claimed Romance