Page 90 of Proof of Guilt

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“Oh, God, Trask, why can’t we just let it die?” she wondered aloud as she took a moment to look out the window and see the beauty of the spreading acres of the ranch. As August approached the countryside had turned golden-brown with only the dark pines to add color and contrast to the gold earth and the blue sky. And Trask had given her the chance to keep it. It wasn’t something he had to do. It was a gift.

“And a way of easing his conscience,” she said bitterly, trying desperately to hate him.

Without really considering her actions, she ran outside and hopped into the pickup with the intention of confronting Trask one last time.

* * *

DUSK HAD SETTLED by the time that Tory reached Trask’s cabin on the Metolius River. Even as she approached the single story cedar and rock building, she knew that Trask wasn’t there. His Blazer was nowhere in sight and all of the windows and doors were boarded shut.

He’d already gone, Tory thought miserably, her heart seeming to tear into tiny ribbons. As she ran her fingers over the smooth wooden railing of the back porch, she couldn’t help but remember the feel and texture of Trask’s smooth muscles and she wondered if she would ever truly be free of him, or if she wanted that freedom.

With one last look at the small cabin nestled between the pines on the banks of the swift Metolius, Tory climbed back into her pickup and headed into Sinclair. On the outskirts of the small town, she turned down the road where Neva McFadden lived.

Trask’s Blazer was parked in the driveway.

Maybe he had turned to Neva. Keith had said that Neva was in love with him. A dull ache spread through her at the thought of Trask with another woman, any other woman.

With her heart thudding painfully, Tory walked up the sidewalk and pounded on the front door. Almost immediately, Neva answered her knock.

“Trask!” she shouted before seeing Tory. The color drained from Neva’s face. “Tory?” she whispered, shaking her head. “I thought that you might be Trask…” The blond woman’s voice cracked and she had to place a hand over her mouth.

Tory felt her blood turn to ice water. “What happened? Isn’t he here?” She lifted her hand and pointed in the direction of the Blazer but Neva only shook her head.

“I guess you’d better come in.”

Neva led Tory into the house. “Where’s Trask?” Tory asked, her dread giving way to genuine fear.

“I don’t know. He…he and John Davis and Sheriff Barnett are looking for Nicholas.”

Tory stood stock-still. When Neva lifted her eyes, they were filled with tears. “Where is Nicholas?” Tory asked.

“I…I don’t know. Trask and I assume that he’s been kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped?” Tory repeated, as she leaned against the wall. “Why?”

“Because of the trial. Trask thinks Linn Benton is behind it.”

“But how—?”

“I don’t know. George Henderson told everything he knew about the swindle and that included some pretty incriminating things against Linn Benton. The blackmailing alone will keep him in the pen several more years,” Neva said.

“Wait a minute, slow down. What about your son?”

“I came back from the trial and he was gone. There was just a note saying that I hadn’t kept Trask from digging up the past and I’d have to pay.”

“And you’re sure that Nicholas didn’t go to a friend’s house?”

“Yes.” Neva could stand the suspense no longer. Her tears fell freely down her face and her small body was racked with the sobs.

Tory wrapped her arms around the woman and whispered words she didn’t believe herself. “It’s going to be all right, Neva,” she said. “Trask will find your son.”

“Oh, God, I hope so! He’s all I have left.”

Gently Tory led Neva to the couch. “I think you should lie down.”

“I can’t sleep.”

“Shh. I know, but you’re a nurse; you’ve got to realize that the best thing to do is lie still. I’ll…I’ll make you some tea.”

Tags: Lisa Jackson Romance