Page 86 of Proof of Guilt

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Tory cringed, but Keith didn’t flinch. A murmur of disapproving whispers filtered through the hot room.

“And he was aware of the deal struck between his father and Judge Linn Benton?”

Henderson nodded.

“You’ll have to speak up, Mr. Henderson. The court reporter must be able to hear you. She can’t record head movements,” the elderly judge announced.

Henderson cleared his throat. “Yes, Keith Wilson knew about the blackmail and the deal,” he rasped.

The district attorney paused and the courtroom became silent. “And did he know about the plan to kill Jason McFadden?”

George Henderson’s wrinkled brow pulled into a scowl. “No.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes,” George answered firmly. He met Keith’s stony gaze before looking away from him. “Benton did it all on his own. He only told me a few minutes before Jason McFadden’s car exploded. By then it was too late to do anything about it.” The old vet’s shoulders slumped from the weight of five years of deceit.

“And why didn’t you go to the police?”

“Because I was afraid,” George admitted.

“Of being apprehended?”

“No.” George shook his head and the twitch near his left eye became more pronounced. “I was afraid of crossing Linn Benton.”

“I see,” the district attorney said, sending a meaningful look to the jury. “No further questions.”

Keith refused to cross-examine Henderson, as he had with all of the prosecution’s witnesses. Tory felt sick inside. It was as if Keith had given up and was willing to accept his fate. For the past week, she had tried to get him to change his mind, hire an attorney and fight for his freedom, but her brother had been adamant, insisting that he was finally doing the “right” thing by his father.

“Don’t worry about me,” he had said just before the trial. “I’ll be fine.”

“I can’t help but worry. You’re acting like some sacrificial lamb—”

“That was Dad,” Keith answered severely. “I’m just paying for what I did. It’s my time.”

“But I need you—”

“What you need is to run the ranch yourself, or better yet, make up with McFadden. Marry the guy.”

“Are you out of your mind?” she had asked. “After everything he’s done? I can’t believe you, of all people, are suggesting this.”

Keith just shook his head. “I did hate him, Tory, but that was because of fear and guilt. I knew, despite what I said, that Trask wasn’t responsible for Dad being sent to prison and dying. It was my fault. All McFadden ever wanted was the truth about his brother and you can’t really blame him for that.”

“How can you feel this way?” she asked incredulously.

“It’s easy. I’ve seen how you are when you’re around him. Tory, face it, you were happier than you’d been in years when he came back to Sinclair.” His gray eyes held those of his sister. “You deserve that happiness.”

Tears had formed in her eyes. “What about you?”

“Me, are you kiddin’?” he had joked, then his voice cracked. “I’ll be having the time of my life.”


“Tory, this is something I’ve got to do and you won’t change my mind. So take my advice and be happy…with McFadden.”

“He’s responsible—”

Tags: Lisa Jackson Romance