Page 59 of Proof of Guilt

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Trask’s lips twisted wryly. “Thanks.”

After asking Tory questions that confirmed Trask’s story about what happened on the ridge, the sheriff and his deputy finished their coffee, grabbed their notes and left.

“It gets worse by the minute,” Tory confided, once she was alone with Trask.

“Barnett’s right. I should have gone to the police in the beginning.”

“And then the police would have flocked back here, the press would have found out about it and the scandal would have been plastered on the front pages of the local papers all over again.”

“Looks like it’s going to end up that way regardless.”

“Nothing we can do about it now,” she said with a sigh. Walking toward the recliner Tory searched Trask’s face. His jaw was still strong, jutted in determination, but pain shadowed his blue eyes. The cuts on his face, though shallow, were slightly swollen and raw. “Are you okay? I could take you into Bend to the hospital.”

“Not now.”

“But your head—”

“It’s fine. It’ll wait until morning.”

“Oh, senator,” she said with a sad smile. “What am I going to do with you?”

His eyes slid seductively up her body to rest on the worried pout of her lips. “I can think of a dozen things…”

“Be serious.”

“I am.”

“Well, I’m not about to have you risk further injury.” She glanced out the window and back at the clock. Two-fifteen, and still no sign of Keith. “Besides, it’s late.”

“Are you trying to give me a less than subtle hint?”

“I’m tired.” She touched his head fondly. “You should be, too.”

“I’m okay. Go to bed.”

“And what about you?”

“I’m staying here.”

“You can’t—”

“Watch.” He settled into the recliner and folded his hands over his chest.

“Trask. Think about it. You can’t stay here. Keith will be home soon.”

“That’s who I’m waiting for.”

“Oh, Trask.” The rest of her response was cut off by the sound of an engine roaring up the driveway and the spray of gravel hitting the sides of the barn as the pickup ground to an abrupt halt.

“About time,” Trask said, pushing himself upward.

Tory’s heart was beating double time by the time that Keith opened the front door and strode into the den. His young face was set with fierce determination and he scowled at the sight of Trask.

“What’s he doin’ here?” Keith demanded of Tory, as he cocked an insolent thumb in Trask’s direction.

“Why don’t you ask me?” Trask cut in.

Turning, Keith faced Trask for the first time. It was then that he noticed the bruise on Trask’s chin and his rumpled dirty clothing. “What the hell happened to you?”

Tags: Lisa Jackson Romance