Page 57 of Proof of Guilt

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“Didn’t have time. It was dark.”

Tory felt a little sense of relief. This was all a big mistake. Keith wouldn’t rough somebody up, not even Trask McFadden. “Have you seen a doctor?”

“Neva examined me.”

“Neva! Good Lord, have you been there, too?” Tory pushed her damp hair out of her eyes.

“That’s where it happened.”

Tory’s eyes turned cold. Too much was happening and she couldn’t think straight. “Wait a minute, slow down. Come into the kitchen and tell me exactly what happened and when and where and why.” She started down the hallway, Trask right behind her.

“Why? That’s the kicker, isn’t it?”

Tory frowned as she took down two cups and made a pot of tea. Forcing her hands to remain steady, she poured the tea into the cups. “So tell me, what did Neva say?”

“Other than that I should be more careful?” Tory didn’t crack a smile. “She thinks I’ll live.”

“Some consolation.” She handed him a cup of tea and tried to force a grin as her eyes slid down his slightly bruised chin to the torn shirt that displayed all too vividly his muscled chest and discolored abdomen. “You look awful.”

“That’s a cut above the way I feel.”

“I really think you should go to the emergency room, and get some X-rays.”

“Later.” He set down his cup and his eyes took her in; the tousled damp hair that hung in springy curls around a fresh face devoid of makeup, the gorgeous green eyes now dark with concern, and the soft heather-colored robe clinched loosely over her small waist. “God, I was worried about you,” he admitted, rubbing his hand over his unshaven jaw.

“It looks like I should have been the one worrying.”

He took the cup from her hands and pulled her toward him. Lowering his head, he caught her lips with his and let the fresh feminine scent of her fill his nostrils and flood his senses. “From now on, I’m not letting you out of my sight,” he vowed against her ear before reluctantly releasing her.

“Is that a promise or a threat?”

His uneven, incredibly charming grin flashed white against his dark skin. “However you want to take it.”

“I’ll think about it and let you know what I decide.”

Trask’s face sobered and his fingers toyed with the lapel of her plush robe. “As much as I find the thought distasteful,” he said with a frown as he kissed her forehead, “I think you should get dressed. I asked Sheriff Barnett to meet us here.”


“Yeah.” He stepped away from her and patted her firmly on the behind. “Look, I’ll explain everything when Paul gets here, just go put on something—” he lifted his palms upward as he looked at her soft terry robe and the white silk gown that was visible when she walked “—something less erotic.”

“I’ve never heard of a terry-cloth bathrobe being called erotic.”

“Only because I’ve never seen you in one before.”

Tory laughed and shook her head. Against her better judgment she walked upstairs and changed into a pair of cords and a sweater. She was braiding her hair into a single plait as she stood on the landing when she heard the knock at the front door.

“I’ll get it,” Trask said. He’d positioned himself at the bottom of the stairs and was watching with interest as Tory wrapped the rubber band around the tip of her braid.

“Suit yourself.”

His teasing expression turned grim. “And I think you’d better try and track down your brother. There are a few questions he’ll have to answer.” With one last glance upward in her direction Trask opened the door.

Paul Barnett and Detective Woodward were standing on the front porch. Tory’s fingers curled around the banister as she walked slowly down the stairs and faced all three men.

“Come in, sheriff…Deputy Woodward.” She inclined her head toward each man and wondered if it was obvious to them how nervous she felt. Not since the trial had she been uncomfortable with the police, but this night, with Trask beaten and Keith missing, she felt a nervous sweat break out between her shoulder blades. “I was going to make a pot of coffee. I’ll bring it into the den.”

Barnett pursed his lips and nodded his agreement. He was a slightly paunchy man with wire-rimmed glasses, cold eyes and a hard cynical smile. “Anyone else here?”

Tags: Lisa Jackson Romance