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Was it her imagination, or did Carter tense a bit at the mention of Wes Allen, Rinda’s brother?

“Look,” she added, “because of the storm, we’re forced to deal with the one we’ve got and it does work sometimes. So, Cassie, for God’s sake, let’s use it.” She sighed and stared at her oldest daughter. “For the love of God, Cassie, what were you thinking?”

“That I just wanted to have a little fun. Do you know how boring it is around here?” Cassie blurted, then her gaze skated to the sheriff and she clammed up again.

“We had to cite her for Minor in Possession.”

Jenna’s heart sank.

“They were drinking up there, doing some drugs.”

“Oh, God.” Jenna sagged a little and braced herself on the kitchen island. “The other kids. Are they okay? Was anyone hurt?”

“No. It was just a party.”

“At a crime scene.” Jenna’s gaze slid to the clock again. “At 3:30 in the morning?” The severity of the situation hammered at her. Stupid kids. Both her hands clenched and she stuffed them into the pockets of her housecoat and stared at her daughter.

Despite all her bravado and tough-girl attitude, Cassie looked scared. Good. That was a start.

“You were with Josh, weren’t you?” Jenna accused, but once again, her eldest daughter didn’t respond. As if she were protecting that big lummox of a boyfriend. Jenna’s problems with Cassie ran far deeper than she’d imagined. “Do you have anything to say to the sheriff?”

Cassie studied the hardwood floor as if it were suddenly fascinating and mumbled a quick, barely audible, “Thanks for the ride.”

It was the best Jenna was going to get, and at that moment she heard the floorboards overhead creak. Critter perked up his ears and wagged his tail. Allie was awake. “Uh-oh.”

“She doesn’t need to know about this,” Cassie said quickly as footsteps scurried overhead and tumbled down the staircase.

“Fine.” For once Jenna agreed with her eldest. She was in no mood to create more of a scene, especially in front of Sheriff Carter. “We’ll discuss it in the morning.”

More footsteps, moving quickly down the stairs.

Allie, red-blond hair sticking out at odd angles, face knotted in confusion, eyes half-open, stumbled into the room. “I heard yelling,” she grumped, then stopped short when she spied Carter.

“This is Sheriff Carter,” Jenna explained reluctantly.

“I know. He gave you a ticket.”

That he did, Jenna thought. “He brought Cassie home.”

“Home? But wasn’t she already here?” All the sleep in her youngest daughter’s eyes scurried away. Allie gave the officer a wide berth, regarding him with distrustful eyes as she sidled closer to her mother.

Jenna said, “Cassie had decided to go out.”

“Out?” Allie repeated, glancing through the window to the cold night beyond. “Where? Isn’t she still grounded?”

“It’s none of your business,” Cassie said sharply.

“What time is it?” Allie focused on the clock for a second, then turned her gaze back to her sister. “I don’t get it,” she said, but as the words spilled out of her mouth, her expression changed from confusion to understanding. She blinked. Rolled her lips over her teeth. Held her tongue. She got it. Her questions stopped abruptly and, to her surprise, Jenna witnessed a silent look passing between her daughters, an unspoken pact Jenna hadn’t suspected existed b

etween them until this moment in time.

“We’ll talk this out in the morning, when we’ve all had some sleep and we can think a little more clearly. All that matters is that everyone’s fine tonight, so, both of you”—she motioned to her daughters—“go on up to bed.” Jenna hitched her chin toward the stairs.

Cassie, as if she expected to be called back at any instant, made haste to the staircase. She pounded up the steps, unlike the noiseless way she’d tiptoed down earlier on her way out. She’d had practice. Jenna hated to think how many times the girl had padded silently down the hallway and eased down the stairs. How many times had Cassie lied to her? How often had she disengaged the alarm and locks to slip into the darkness and meet Josh?

Jenna’s stomach curdled. What did they do? Drink? Of course. Have sex? Most likely. Smoke pot or crack? Oh God, she hoped not. What were the drugs that were so available here? Methamphetamine? Ecstasy? For sure. Oh, Lord.

Jenna sighed audibly. There was a chance that Cassie was already pregnant.

Tags: Lisa Jackson West Coast Mystery