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Hell, yes, I’m afraid.

“The ultimate chickenshit? Pussy-to-the-max?”

Carter’s guts knotted as he remembered the fall…how he couldn’t save David. And now, the wind whispered through the trees, seeming to echo David’s jeers.

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid.”

Carter set his jaw.

Strapped on his crampons and didn’t look down.

He’d either save Jenna, or die trying.

They slowed and the snowmobile’s engine died.

Jenna told herself to relax, to feign being unconscious, to keep up the act. So far, it had worked.

Oh, yeah, like a charm. Now you’re a million miles away from anyone, trapped with a psycho.

She heard him stow the snowmobile, then felt him lift her again and it was all she could do not to recoil at the feel of him c

arrying her. She let her head loll back over his arm, felt her hair falling free and catching in the frigid wind.

He paused. Stopped dead in his tracks. As if he sensed something was wrong.

Breathe normally. Remain limp. You’re Raggedy Ann. Don’t shiver, don’t look, don’t so much as lift an eyebrow.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, and she thought she recognized his voice. Inwardly, she cringed. Outwardly, she didn’t react. “I’ve waited so long.” He shifted, lifted her higher, and she felt his hot breath against her face.

Don’t move, Jenna. Whatever he does, do NOT react.

“You are every woman…my woman…”

She thought she might get sick.

He brushed his lips across her neck, his warm flesh making her own chilled skin crawl. Still she didn’t react, not even when his mouth nibbled at the corner of hers and he let the tip of his tongue press against the seam of her lips. She wanted to lock her jaw, but reminded herself of all the love scenes she’d played where the actor who was her love interest in the script was a nauseating, arrogant bastard.

You can do this, Jenna. You can.

She felt her abductor shudder with desire, and it was all she could do not to shrivel away from him.

Gratefully, he started moving again and she heard a door open, then slam shut with a heavy, metallic thud. His footsteps were steady and Jenna told herself she could do this…until she heard the voice—Cassie’s voice. Relief mingled with fear.

“Hey! You! Let me down from here! Do you hear me? I said…oh…nooooooo. You have my mother? You bastard you put her down, right now!”

Don’t, Cassie! Don’t taunt him.

“What the hell are you doing with her? Leave her the fuck alone!”

Her abductor stiffened.

“Shut up!”

“Let her go. You’re never going to get away with this…this sick thing you’ve got going, whatever it is.”

“Oh, no?” he tossed back, and Jenna’s heart sank. Don’t push him, Cass, for God’s sake!

He set Jenna down on the floor—cold and smooth—cement, she guessed. It was so damned cold in here. She heard his footsteps moving away from her and risked the tiniest peek through her lashes.

Tags: Lisa Jackson West Coast Mystery