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“Just doin’ my job,” he said, his voice softening slightly as he carried his cup to the sink. “Go on upstairs and I’ll lock up.”

“Okay. Good night.”

“Is it?” he teased, shaking his head. “Hell, I don’t think so.”

“Me neither.” Smiling at his bad joke, she headed up the stairs to her bedroom, once her sanctuary, now violated. She wondered if she could ever relax in here again. Tossing her robe over the foot of the bed, she yawned. Everyone was here. Safe. She could sleep now.

She glanced over at her dresser and noticed the jewelry box. Had it moved? Get over yourself, Jenna. Go to sleep.

But as she stared at the box, she noticed one of its small drawers wasn’t completely closed.

Had she left it that way?

When was the last time she’d opened it?

She couldn’t remember.

Oh, for God’s sake, Jenna, the drawer’s not completely shut—so what? Are you going to freak out over every little thing? Jake’s right—you need drugs or something to calm yourself down! Disgusted with herself, she reached for the lamp, then decided to close the damned drawer. She walked to the bureau and looked into the box.

Every muscle in her body tensed. A tiny piece of lavender-colored tissue paper was visible.

What the hell?

She hadn’t put anything wrapped in tissue in the box.

But Allie could have. She’s always playing with your things. Maybe she found the missing bracelet and returned it, wrapped like a present.


Heart hammering, she carefully unfolded the thin paper and as she did, she thought she might be sick. Her eyes widened in horror and she screamed as she stared down at a severed, bloody finger.


Jenna let out a shriek guaranteed to wake half the state. Trembling, she stared at the finger in horror. Oh, God, oh, God, oh…She heard footsteps and her kids calling her. “Mom! Mom!” Critter began to bark madly. “Mom, are you okay?”

Glancing over her shoulder, Jenna spied Allie in the doorway, her face pale, her chin trembling. Allie’s little fingers were clutching the doorjamb, her nails digging into the wood casing. Cassie stood right behind Allie, her hands wrapped protectively over her younger sister’s shoulders, her frightened eyes holding Jenna’s. “What’s going on?” she whispered obviously terrified.

Don’t lose it, Jenna, not in front of the girls. You have to be strong. Jenna took in a deep breath, glanced down into the box, and noticed that the blood looked fake…that there was no bit of bone visible in the flesh, that…what the hell? Her mind ran in circles and felt sick inside as she realized it wasn’t a real finger, complete with wedding set, but a fake digit, the kind created by master craftsmen on a movie set. The kind of thing Shane Carter was talking about earlier.

“Mom?” Cassie prodded.

“I…I’m okay. It’s just a sick joke,” she said. “A sick, twisted, horrible prank.” Still quivering inside, she forced a smile. “Someone left me a present.”

“Let’s see.” Assured that things were okay, Cassie stepped around a horrified Allie and made her way across the room. “Sweet Jesus,” she gasped. “What’s that?”


“Where’d you find it?”

“My jewelry box.”

“I wanna see.” Allie, on bare feet, hurried to the dresser. “Oh, yuk!” she said, her little face scrunching in horror.

Cassie was shaking her head. “But who—”

A door creaked open downstairs.

Tags: Lisa Jackson West Coast Mystery