Page 26 of Obsession

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“A retired couple—Max and Leona.” Zane opened the door.

“And where are they?” Kaylie asked, hope springing in her heart. If she could just get the woman alone, explain her predicament, maybe Leona would understand and help her….

“Don’t even consider it,” Zane said, as if reading her mind. “I gave them an extended vacation and said I’d look after everything myself.”

Kaylie’s hopes crashed to the floor.

His gaze turned tender as he stared at her. What a sight she must be in her wrinkled dress, no makeup and tangled, unruly hair—a far cry from the famous teenager he’d once married, she thought ruefully.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” He walked through the door, leaving Kaylie alone. She took advantage of her short-lived freedom, hurrying from room to room, looking, with the help of daylight, for any means of escape. He took the phone with him and there was no CB radio! No living soul for miles!

She worked her way from the kitchen, dining room, living room and ended up in the den. A huge river-rock fireplace dominated one wall, and a bank of windows opposite offered a view of the sloping hillside and valley far below. A river, silver-gray against the blue-green pines, glinted through the trees. Autumn had touched the maples and oaks, turning the leaves gold or fiery red. Wildflowers bloomed in vibrant yellow, pink and blue, providing splashes of color in the dark forest.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Zane asked, lounging in the doorway.

Kaylie whirled to see him staring at her. Goose bumps appeared on her skin. “I suppose it could be, were the situation different.” “It can be different, Kaylie. All you have to do is accept the fact that you’re here and enjoy it.”

She hesitated. It sounded so perfect. And too good to be true. “I can’t.”

He shrugged. “Then you’re probably going to have a miserable couple of weeks.”

A couple of weeks! she thought in horror. She had to get back now, today, as soon as possible. She couldn’t be gone for two days, much less two weeks, for God’s sake! For the first time she noticed the duffel bag hanging from his fingers. Her bag! “What’s in that?” she asked, dreading the answer.

“I thought you might need a change.”

“But how—”

“While you were swimming,” he said, then his smile twisted. “I didn’t have much time, though, so I just threw some things into the bag. It was hidden beneath the tarp in the back of the Jeep.”

“You went through my drawers?” she asked, furious as she conjured up the image of him pawing through her clothes, her stockings, her lingerie….

“It wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen before,” he reminded her softly, then cleared his throat. “I didn’t think you’d wear anything I bought you.”

“You bought me?” she queried.

“There are clothes in the closet upstairs. Surely you saw them—”

“They don’t belong to some woman you’re involved with?”

He smiled sadly. “They’re yours.”

“Mine?” Her heart stopped. “Then this was planned, right? For days?” So angry she was shaking, she started for the door.

Zane was quick. His hand shot out, and strong fingers wrapped around her wrist. “Kaylie,” he said softly, “slow down a minute—don’t go jumping to conclusions.” His hands were gentle, his gaze fastened on hers. “Yes, this took a little time to arrange,” he admitted. “About ten hours, give or take a few minutes. I found out about Johnston yesterday morning. I had my secretary run out and buy clothes—size six, right?—and ship them here via a company van. At the same time I called the Browns—Max and Leona—and offered them a dream vacation that they well deserved and told them to take the telephones with them.”

“And what about me, Zane?” she asked, pressing her face closer to his, standing on tiptoe to stare at him. “Did you ever wonder how I’d react? Did you realize that there’s a good chance that I’ll never forgive you for hauling me up here against my will?”

His jaw slid to the side, and his eyes searched her face. “That would be a shame, Kaylie,” he said, his voice husky, and she knew in an instant that he intended to kiss her. She tried to yank away from him, but his fingers tightened around her arm. “Whether you admit it or not, we’re good together.” In one swift motion, he tugged impatiently on her wrist, lowered his head and captured her lips with his.

Kaylie struggled, but his arms closed possessively around her and his mouth moved sensually against hers. No! No! Her mind screamed, though her body began to tingle and familiar emotions tore at her heart. With all her strength she pushed away from him, away from the seduction of his body against hers. But he held her tighter, kissing her and stealing the breath from her lungs. The harder she struggled, the stronger he became, his will as unbending as steel.

His hands were hot against her bare shoulders, his mouth demanding. His tongue pressed hard against her teeth and gained entrance to her mouth.

A thousand memories—glorious and loving—flitted through her mind.

He groaned softly, and her blood turned to fire. Heedless of the danger signals, she began to kiss him back, passion exploding from anger. He smelled and tasted and felt so right. His hard, anxious body, pressed tightly to hers, caused an ache to burn deep in the most feminine part of her. As if in a dream, she wondered how it would feel to make love to him again.

The thought hit her like a bucket of cold water. Realizing just how easily she could be seduced, she recoiled inside and shoved hard against his shoulders, struggling and breaking free.

Tags: Lisa Jackson Thriller