Page 48 of A Twist of Fate

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The girl rolled her head negatively against the back of the couch and playfully scratched the kitten’s belly. “Naw—not tonight. I think I’d rather stay here with Figaro. Besides, we’ve already ordered the pizza, and the movie is going to be great!”

Erin glanced at Mrs. Cavenaugh, who lifted her shoulders. A tiny hint of a smile pulled at the corner of the wrinkled mouth. “Well, if you’re sure, but somehow I feel that I’m the innocent victim of a conspiracy.”

“No one could accuse you of a lack of imagination. Conspiracy, ha!” Mrs. Cavenaugh rejoined, but her wise old eyes brightened. “Now, you’d better get going. You don’t want to be late. Kane said he’d meet you at about eight o’clock.”

Convinced that both Mrs. Cavenaugh and Krista were satisfied with their plans for the evening, Erin made her way up the stairs and began changing for her dinner date with Kane. She couldn’t hide the feeling of excitement that surged within her. It seemed like an eternity since she had spent some time alone with him. It wasn’t that she begrudged him the time he shared with his daughter, it was just that Erin missed the intimate and quiet times she had shared with him in the past. He had seemed so remote lately.

The cool amethyst silk dress that she chose for the date slid easily over her body. It was simple, smart and understated with its modest V-neck and long sleeves. The slit that parted the hem added just the right amount of flair to be called sexy in a discreet manner. Erin eyed herself speculatively in the mirror and was pleased with her reflection. Her ebony hair cascaded in loose curls to her shoulders and brushed against the neckline of the dress. Her skin was already rosy with the blush of excitement and only a few touches of makeup were necessary to add to the effect. She reached for her coat and purse and headed out the door.

Just as she had closed the door, the telephone began to ring insistently. Erin was late already, and she considered letting the maddening instrument ring, but she couldn’t. It might be something important, possibly Kane rearranging their hastily made plans. Reluctantly she threw her coat over the arm of the couch and hurried to the kitchen to answer the relentless ringing.


“Erin! I can’t believe that I finally got through to you. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for days. You never called me, you know,” the male voice accused, and Erin could picture the pouting lips and hurt expression in Lee’s boyish blue eyes.

“I’m sorry, Lee. I did try, but there wasn’t any answer.”

“You could have tried again.”

“I…I decided that it probably wouldn’t be wise.”

“What if it had been an emergency?”

Her conscience felt a twinge. “It wasn’t, was it?”

“No…but it could have been!”

Erin leaned heavily against the wall, and let her head fall backward. Why tonight? Why was Lee calling again? “Look, Lee,” she whispered. “I’m in a hurry for an appointment. Was there something that you wanted?”

There was a heavy pause in the conversation before he replied. “I just…wanted to see you again….”

Erin bit at her fingernail. “Bull!”

“I need to talk to you,” he pleaded, and his image flashed in her mind’s eye: wavy blond hair, cut-off jeans, old tennis shoes, a grass-stained football jersey that she had given him for Christmas one year.

“So talk,” she managed, her voice unsteady.

“Can we meet?”

“I told you I’ve got a date….” She glanced at her watch.

There was silence, then a deep, theatrical sigh. “Is he someone special?”

“Yes, Lee. He is. Very special. But what do you care, after all these years?” She blinked back the tears that threatened to spill.

“Believe it or not, babe, I’ve always cared about you.”

“Don’t lie to me, Lee. I’ve heard it all before. I don’t think this is the time to go

into all that. Not now.”

“When?” he demanded.

“Oh, Lee, don’t you understand? It’s over for us. It’s been over for a long time—probably before you met Olivia.”

“Okay, Erin,” he retorted testily. “I deserved that. I was a louse and I admit it. But can’t you believe that I want to see you again?”


Tags: Lisa Jackson Romance