Page 34 of A Twist of Fate

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“Look, Erin. We’ve played the game your way for nearly two weeks, and it’s tearing me apart!” His entire body tensed for a second before he took in a long steadying breath and controlled the note of rage that had entered his speech. In a softer voice he continued, “Let’s have an entire weekend alone together—what do you say?”

“I don’t understand…”

“Let’s go somewhere where we can walk in the sunlight together—where we can be seen kissing….”

“Is this what’s been bothering you?” she asked, as she put a staying hand on his sleeve.

“Oh, Erin,” he sighed, holding her at arm’s length and letting his eyes search her face. “There are so many things that are bothering me,” he admitted, and a tortured look twisted his features.

“Can we talk about them?” she asked quietly.


??That’s exactly what I have in mind. But I thought a change of scenery might do us both some good.”

“You know that I can’t leave at the drop of a hat.”

“Why not?”

“My tenants…I’ve got an advertisement in the paper to rent the apartment downstairs.”

“The apartment on the first floor, across the hall from Milly?” he asked.

“That’s the one—how did you get on a first-name basis with Mrs. Cavenaugh?” Erin asked, a suspicious black eyebrow arching heavenward.

“That little old lady has excellent taste,” he laughed. “She likes me.”

“And she told you about the vacant apartment?” Erin guessed.

“That’s right,” he agreed with a smile that any Cheshire cat would envy.

“Then you understand why I have to stay here…”

“Don’t worry about the apartment,” he said dismissively. “I’ll rent it until I find a more permanent residence. Does it have two bedrooms?”

“Of course, but—”

“Then it will be perfect!” he exclaimed.

“Perfect? For what?”

“Krista and myself.”

“I don’t know…”

His eyes grew dark. “It’s the perfect solution to our problem.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “I didn’t know that we had a problem,” she returned, and began to place her undergarments in the open suitcase on the bed. Was he actually going to tell her what had been bothering him, why he had been so wary of her?

He came up behind her and let his arms encircle her waist. His words fanned her hair and the sensitive skin at the back of her neck. He captured the black silk and entwined it in his fingers. Burying his face in her hair, he groaned. “The problem is that I want to be near you…always!” The confession was a tortured, un-wonted admission.

“What are you saying?” she asked, and a tightness constricted her breath.

“I want to live with you!”

Her voice was unsteady. “And what about Krista? What would she think about her father and his business associate living together? What kind of example would we set? No, Kane…” She shook her head sadly. “It wouldn’t work!”

“Lots of people…”

Tags: Lisa Jackson Romance