Page 13 of Protecting Zoey



“Stay here.” I ease her to the bed and stand, reaching for the gun in my bedside table.

“No!” She hops up and jets out the door as I swipe to catch her, just missing her. “Don’t hurt him!”

“Get it off me!” Tyler screams from somewhere down the hall. “It’s like a fucking demon!”

“Bentley!” Zoey cries.

I leave my gun and run after her. She’s trying to yank her cat off of poor Tyler’s back, but the thing has dug its claws in.

“You are being so naughty right now. Stop it. You’re better than this!” she scolds.

Bentley turns to look at her, then lets out something like a chuffing noise before she can finally pull him free from Tyler.

“He’s, um, he’s just not used to the new place is all. I’m sorry. Are you all right?” She hugs the vicious feline close to her chest as Tyler reaches up to the back of his neck and draws his fingers away with a little blood on them.

“Boss, that thing’s dangerous.” He shakes his head, a look of disbelief on his face as the cat begins to purr for Zoey. “It’s a monster.”

“You’ll be fine. Suck it up, Tyler.” I take her elbow and lead her to her room. “Go see Madge downstairs. She’ll tend to your wounds,” I instruct him.

I guide Zoey and her devil cat into their room and quickly shut the door behind us. “Lights,” I call.

The room slowly lights with a warm glow as Zoey puts Bentley on the bed and starts waggling her finger at him. “You know better. What were you thinking?” Her tone quickly softens, though. “Oh no, did you wake up and I was gone so you got scared?”

He hunkers down, his eyes looking doleful as he stares up at her.

“Poor baby.” She kneels beside the bed and presses a kiss to the top of his head. “Of course you were scared. I’m sorry.”

“He’s playing you.” I watch as he glances at me, his eyes narrowing. “Like a harp.”

“No. He’s sweet. Really.” She scoops him into her arms and nuzzles him as she gets back to her feet. “You’ll see. I mean, I think you will. I guess it depends on how long we’re staying.”

“You’re staying.” I step to her. No one this innocent should be out in the world alone. Or even with this sister of hers, who’s clearly nothing but trouble.

“I guess we should come to an agreement. You know, the deal?” She sits heavily and hugs Bentley to her before releasing him. He sits beside her and eyes me with feline disdain.

“You’ve sweetened it for me, but I’m afraid that won’t be enough.” I watch as she reaches up and grazes her fingers along her lips. That simple movement does something to me. Something fucking primal and erotic. Probably because I’m remembering that kiss too–how she was hesitant at first, but then she turned molten, her body tensing, needing mine to give her release.

“What else do you want? Another kiss?” she asks breathlessly.

More. I want so much more. If I had my way, I’d push her back on the bed and fill her with my cock, the cat be damned. But like I said, she’s too innocent for that. I was her first kiss. I’m definitely going to be her first fuck–but I have to take my time with a woman as special as this.

“First, I want you to tell me everything you know about your sister, her possible whereabouts, and her dealings with Marvin.”

Her gaze drops, and I could swear I feel disappointment in the way her shoulders slump.

“After that, I’ll have a better idea of how our negotiations on terms should go.”

“But you’ll help me, right?” She looks up again.

“Yes, for the right price.” I know I’m a bastard, but I can’t help myself. “Come on. Let’s go down to breakfast, and you can tell me all about you and your sister.” I turn to leave.

“Will you tell me about you?” she asks quietly.

“Me?” I pause at the door.

Tags: MINK Dark