Page 87 of Blood and Moonlight

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Simon leans down to kiss my ear, and I turn my head to the silver light spilled across the stone next to me, lengthened by the lowering moon. Soon it will be gone. This could be my last chance to feel its effects like this for a while. I take my hand off Simon’s shoulder and stretch it out to the side.

“Help me,” Simon pleads. “I can’t…”

I pull my hand back so I can focus on him. “Can’t what?”

He pushes up on his elbow to look down on me. “What did you say?”

“I asked whatyousaid.” I frown when Simon only looks puzzled. “You said ‘help me,’ and then ‘I can’t,’ but you never finished.”

Simon shakes his head. “I didn’t say any of that.” He sits up higher and peers at the tower door. “Did you hear someone else?”

When the moonlight strikes the top of his hair, I realize what must have happened. Throwing my left arm out, I reach for the last traces of light on the floor. As soon as the faint voice tickles my mind, I close my eyes to concentrate.

“Cat?” asks Simon.

“Shhh!” I strain to hear more, though what muscles and parts I’m using are a mystery.

Help me. I can’t…

It’s a woman, her physical pain clamping against my own skull like a vice. How am I supposed to know who she is, or where? How can I find her in a city so—

Help Mother… please… I can’t… It hurts…

My eyes fly open. I know this voice better than any in the world.

It’s Marguerite.

Tags: Erin Beaty Fantasy