Page 16 of Blood and Moonlight

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“From where? The Sanctum?”

Simon nods, the tired shadows under his eyes briefly spilling over his sharp cheekbones.

“Why—why would you think so?”

The venatre purses his lips for a few seconds, his expression revealing nothing. Finally he nods at Juliane. “Show her Oudin’s account.”

Juliane drops the quill and begins sifting through the mess of papers as Simon and Lambert come into the room. She picks out three pages and puts them in order before handing them to me. I can’t believe my luck—I’m going to see exactly what Oudin said.

Like what she’s written for my questions, these pages appearto be a word-for-word record. Even with the occasional abbreviations, I wonder how she was able to keep up. The sheet on top isn’t the first, however, so I’m missing the beginning of his account.

S: Then?

O: I went to find Perrete.

S: Did you go to her home?

O: Of course. I don’t rut in an alley like an animal.

I clench my teeth. What a horrible thing to say, especially given where Perrete ended up.

S: Did you find her?

O: Yes, but she said she had business to attend first.

S: Did she say where she was going?

O: No, but she was smiling like she had a secret. She was always a tease.

He didn’t know she went to see Magister Thomas. I slowly release the breath I was holding, aware Simon is watching me. Lambert drops heavily into a chair on the far end of the table.

S: What did you do after that?

O: Went back to the alehouse. She said she’d meet me there if things went well.

S: Did you consumeskoniawhile there?

O: Will you have me arrested for that?

S: No, that is none of my concern.

I wonder if the venatre ignores it out of family loyalty or true desire to solve Perrete’s murder.

O: Then yes, I did. Had to do something to pass the time.

S: Was that your only dose of the night?

O: Yes. What–Ah! Get away!

S: Slightly delayed reaction.

My guess is Simon snapped his fingers or clapped his hands right in front of Oudin’s nose. City guards do that to assess people they find wandering the streets in a drug-induced haze. Apparently Simon can judge exactly how long it’s been based on Oudin’s eyes, because he continues,

S: Moderate dilation. Time of consumption approximately five hours ago. If that was soon after seeing Perrete, that puts Oudin Montcuir in her company at—

J: One hour before midnight.

She doesn’t leave a single word out, even her own. I’ve noticed something else about Simon. Even if he’s not a physician, he knows quite a lot of methods and phrases they use. Perhaps he’s a scholar of some sort, though the room bereft of books implies otherwise.

Tags: Erin Beaty Fantasy