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“I guess it’s a good thing I love you. Or this would be torture.”

“I love you, too, and won’t ever forget it.”

“Good.” Dex unlocked the door and carried her suitcase and the dog carrier inside his home. No, their home. Cayla followed and locked the door behind her. “Now is a good time to put Austin down because I’m offended by your romper.”

Cayla scrunched her eyebrows and placed Austin on the floor to roam his new home. “What did my romper ever do to you?”

Dex pulled her against him making her feel his erection.“It’s not allowing you to be naked.”

Cayla smiled mischievously. “As a woman with a new sense of self, shouldn’t I decide when I want to get naked?’

Dex grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder, and transferred them to their bedroom. “Sure,” he agreed sliding the romper off her shoulders. “But it’s a moot point since you do want to be naked right now,” he challenged, already sliding it down her ankles then throwing it across the room. “Besides,” he continued while looking down at the love of his life. “I know for a fact your body doesn’t want to miss what I’m about to do to it.”


A Year Later

“Dirty Thirty, bitches!” Natalia yelled across the table of loved ones while holding a shot in the air.

They’d gathered at Nick and Kalilah’s house for a special pre-night-out birthday dinner. She was excited about her new year and decade. She looked around the table at the people she loved. They all held up shots. She beamed at Kalilah for taking her first drink in almost two years. They’d persisted she should have at least one drink in the past, and she maintained that she was breastfeeding and refused to pump and dump. They’d press the issue, trying to use the sway of peer pressure, and she remained firm saying that whoever said “there’s no sense crying over spilled milk” had never breastfed.

She gave a toast for her third shot of the night after some of the talking and laughter died down. “To good friends, family, and fabulous food.” She winked at Dex. “Salud!”

She kicked it back then inventoried the people gathered in her honor. Nick was whispering in Kalilah’s ear. Their baby boy Graham, who’d just recently celebrated his first birthday a couple of months ago, was at Nick’s parents’ house. Based on the way they had been looking at each other all night, he would be there the entire night.

Justin, Felix and Cayla’s old boss, chatted with his wife. They were only there for dinner since they had other plans that night. Kalilah wanted him to feel welcome and invited him to gatherings ever so often. After leaving Tech’s Tec, his resume and people skills impressed Andrew Sinclair enough for him to offer Justin one of Kalilah’s VP titles. He was thriving in his new role.

Dex chatted with Felix while Cayla looked at him as if he walked on water. She was happy to see them because life as the new food celebrity was hectic. She’d only seen them in person a few times in the past year and Dex on television weekly. His show was killing it in ratings, and his fans, as she’d expected, were women of all ages. Cayla had relocated to California unexpectedly, and while it caught her off guard, she couldn’t help but feel it was the right thing to do.

The new love glow Dex and Cayla were sporting me

ant everything was going great on the beach. Their fur baby Austin was still in California with Dex’s aunt since they were only visiting Texas for a few days. Like a proud fur mommy, Cayla was guilty of dressing him in holiday outfits and sending pictures to everyone. The Austin the Elf picture was still saved to her phone along with the millions of photos of her godson Graham.

Natalia was glad they’d met in the middle and found a pace that worked for them. Dex still hadn’t proposed. Natalia felt it was approaching because he’d been far too interested in everyone’s plans for New Year’s Eve. Who plans New Year’s Eve in August?

Felix was a constant in the group and hang outs, especially since he was taken under Nick’s wing as his first employee in his new company. After taking off for Kalilah’s entire pregnancy and Graham’s first year, he was ready to work on his tech dreams. Cayla would freelance for him and scope out the tech scene in California. Cayla was far more in tune with her preferences, but Dex still insisted for her to take time exploring her interests.

Natalia smiled at her cousin Max, happy he was now back in town. Her tipsy mind was too slow to hide her frown at Chloe’s presence. Where was her husband? Luckily, Chloe didn’t notice, but Felix did. He’d picked up on her distrust of Chloe’s motives and sent her a secret smile. His light brown hair leaned closer to blond at the roots and waved out into beautiful locks that he controlled with pomade. He was an official hottie. A hottie she would have happily jumped on if she’d met him earlier, but it wasn’t his light blue eyes haunting her dreams.

Sapphire eyes taunted her from California. She shook them out of her head and refreshed her drink. That night wasn’t about him. It was her day, and she was going out and shaking her ass like she’s twenty. She would ignore the memories just as she had since she’d returned. She looked at her best friends, finally understanding the information delay. Natalia hardly wanted to acknowledge what she did in a hot moment of insanity much less discuss it in explicit detail with the girls.

Yet, the thought of him raised her blood pressure, making her warm all over. A little over a year later, and she was awestruck. His touch did things she didn’t know were possible. It happened once. How could one hook-up completely alter her? Either way, she was moving on. They didn’t exchange last names, and she refused to find his company on social media. One and done. Game over.

“Let’s get going! It’s time to party,” Natalia shouted while clapping to the beat of a song in her head to drum up the excitement in her blood. “I hope you have your dance shoes on because we’re going to a Latin club. I need to get all of my life.”

“Hold on,” Dex said as he typed on his phone. “We’re waiting for one more. I dragged my cousin back with us,” he announced over his back as we left the room.

Natalia shrugged. “Where’s your sister, Felix?”

He clenched his jaw. “On a date.”

“And you don’t like him, I take it.” Natalia smiled.

“Not even a little bit. Marisol deserves better. He gives me bad vibes.”

“Well…” Natalia’s response died in her throat.

“Everyone, this is our cousin, Ryan,” Dex broadcasted when he returned. “He’s an extreme adventure guide in California.”

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic