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“No. I mean, if he says your name wrong or mess up what you do for a living, you politely correct it by saying your own name or title. You two are obviously in some sort of relationship. If you thought he overshot his position in your life, you smile during the introductions and have a quiet sidebar when the guests move on. You don’t challenge the guest of honor in front of one of the biggest sponsors for the event in earshot of the host. And you certainly don’t act like being his girlfriend is the most abhorrent thing you’ve ever heard.”

“I did not.”

“You did. Why do you think we’re currently getting strange looks? Why did you think Dex assumed you preferred my company?” Cayla glanced around and found several people averting their eyes when she met theirs.

Cayla flushed. She was far from disgusted or embarrassed at the thought of being Dex’s girlfriend. She was just briefly blinded by Nathan’s magnetism.

“Nathan, you are extremely attractive but…”

“You have feelings for Dex. The only two people at the party that didn’t know that are you two, dear.”

Cayla nodded understandingly and moved in Dex’s direction. She could salvage the night if he let her, but after they talked. He may not like the way she said it or when, but he couldn’t go around throwing out assumptions or making command decisions on her life. Cody said something to him; he glanced in her direction then took a shot. He stood and smiled tersely at a few people then motioned for her to follow him before walking out of the ballroom.

When they stepped on the elevator, he stared ahead with his jaw clenched. Cayla could feel the anger radiating off him.


He held his hand up silencing her. He stepped out when the elevator delivered them to their floor. Dex stalked to the door, unlocked it, and pushed it open. Cayla walked in a turned to him.

“The trip is over.”

“Dex…” she tried again.

“Just pack, change, and put the jewelry back inside the box.”

“We can go back and…” He cut her off again.

“We aren’t going anywhere. You’re going to change and pack. While I go back to party.”

“You can’t just send me home!” Cayla’s tone was incredulous.

“That’s exactly what I’m doing. You’re too unpredictable, and I’m tired.”

Cayla felt her anger flare. “You’re sending me home because I said I wasn’t your girlfriend.”

“That’s not how it happened. Don’t minimize it. And what’s so fucking wrong with being my girlfriend?” Dex face flushed with anger and embarrassment. “You’d rather call me out and embarrass me in front of important people than just take the title for a moment and talk to me later. Had I introduced you as woman I’m fucking, you would have passed out!”

“Why did you give me a title without consulting with me?”

“Oh, stop. You’re weren’t worried about a title until you met Nathan, the possible perfect black man you’d been seeking.”

“Who you left me with like I’m some kind of whore.”

“Then, don’t act like one. I introduced you the same exact fucking way to someone else and you didn’t flinch. You started salivating the moment he approached. Then – and only then – were you concerned about the title I gave you. You acted like you wanted to be passed off.”

“And just told me you were a good guy…” Cayla said as she shook her

head. Dex was overreacting.

“And you decided to return because I was endorsed by a black guy?”

“There’s no need to be rude.”

Dex eyebrows shot up again. “Try telling your fucking self that! I’m the one who’s constantly on the receiving end of your rudeness and lack of consideration. Yet, I continue to come back and do things for you. Did you forget you’re wearing at least six-thousand dollars’ worth of clothing as we speak? Ten, if you count the jewelry.”

“Ugh. It always comes back to money. I didn’t ask you for this stuff. Return it.”

Dex rubbed his face, annoyed. “Wow. Did you take a class? Or is it an art uniquely crafted by you?”

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic