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He attacked her body in the best way possible – bruising kisses and harder thrusts. It didn’t take her long to get back on the edge of an orgasm. Dex’s body was perfectly capable of getting her there, but this time it was his voice; the helpless way he moaned her name threw her over the edge. Dex followed shortly after her. He sighed contently and pulled her close.

“That was three,” he breathed as the song faded, and Cayla drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 19

Cayla awakened disoriented. It took a few seconds to pin down her location. Kalilah’s house. It took a little longer to remember she’s not the current occupant. Her face and body heated as her brain downloaded the memories of the night before.

“Oh, damn,” she whispered.

Cayla squirmed in the bed not able to decide if she should get up and run or slide under the covers and hope to disappear. She was equally aroused and embarrassed. Dex had done phenomenal things to her in a span of three songs, but that was after she showed up on his doorstep looking like a lost puppy then crying like a baby. Her self-sabotaging mind s

tarted to put a negative spin on the night.

This was supposed to be sex and fun. Last night was more of a relationship type of night. She was not supposed to cry on a fling’s shoulder then practically beg him to screw the bad memories away. She acted like a dependent fool. Cayla rushed into the bathroom before he could come back. She saw her clothes freshly laundered and folded on the counter and shrugged into them. She needed to get out of there and analyze her thoughts and actions.

Once dressed, Cayla peeked out of the bathroom. No sign of Dex. She could smell food cooking and knew exactly where he was located. If she did this right, she could escape without notice. She tiptoed out of the room and grabbed her belongings from the den. She had her hand on the doorknob and was seconds away from escape when he spoke.

“Planning on sneaking out without saying good morning or goodbye?” Shit. She didn’t have to turn around to know she’d encounter an irritated Dex.

She turned to face the deliciously half-naked frowning man. “Good morning,” she offered while trying to ignore his sex ruffled hair, stern gray eyes, and visible tattoo. If she didn’t leave soon, she would turn back into the embarrassing version of herself.

He folded his arms across his chest instead of returning the greeting. His displeased pout made him look yummier. Cayla ignored the zing of her hormones.

“I’m a catch, you know. I happen to be one of Houston’s most eligible bachelors.” He crossed to the table and picked up a plastic to-go container. “I would charge a customer at least twenty bucks for the breakfast I just spent part of my morning making you!”

“I-I can pay you the twenty dollars,” Cayla interjected.

Dex sighed deep while pinching the bridge of his nose. He put the container in a bag on top of other containers and gave it to her.

“Just go, Cayla.” He opened the door for her. “Drop the rest of the food off to Nick and Kalilah.”

Cayla stepped over the threshold. She tried to think of something to say, but when she turned back to the door. It was closing in her face. She took a step towards it just to hear it lock on the other side.

She knew Dex well enough to know he was done talking to her for that moment.

“Let me make sure I heard you correctly,” Kalilah declared around bites of cake. “You showed up to his house after a long week and a somewhat bad day at work. He had a full course meal already cooked, including this cake. He fed you, gave you a bath while he massaged your scalp to help you relax…”

Kalilah paused for effect before she continued. “Then he Ice Cubed your ass…”

“Ice Cubed?” Cayla asked confused.

Kalilah nodded and sung some lyrics from “Today Was a Good Day.” “He screwed you to sleep. Then you woke up this morning to him cooking one of your favorite breakfasts?” Kalilah took another bite of cake. “That bastard! I can totally understand why you’re here.”

Cayla rolled her eyes at her sister’s thick sarcasm.

“No. Really…why in the hell are you here! If it were me…”

“Yeah. I know,” Cayla cut her off. “You would still be there eating breakfast.”

“Off his fucking abs,” Kalilah added with a point of her fork.

Cayla groaned and crossed her legs on her sister’s bed. Kalilah was still perched at the top with the pillows behind her as she rested against the headboard. She’d claimed she was too comfortable to get up, so Cayla folded and braved the entry into her “sex den.”

Before Cayla could respond, Nick emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel that barely covered his assets. Hot damn. He was completely unaware of her presence because he had a towel covering his head as he dried his hair. Cayla was momentarily stunned by his half nakedness. Dex was a little thicker than Nick, but the hard-chiseled body, with an impressive outline of his member was the same. Nick’s gray eyes peeked up from under the towel and mop of dark brown hair.

A year ago, Nick would have yelped and ran back into the bathroom, but this Nick smiled seductively and winked before turning to retrieve his clothes from the dresser. Cayla took in his defined back and muscular ass. Damn. Now, she really missed Dex.

“I told you. The Sinclair genes should be bronzed,” Kalilah mused, bringing Cayla back from the hot thoughts she was having about Dex. “And, now you know why I keep losing my clothes.”

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic