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Dex: Hey K. How married r u 2 the interior design of the house?

Kalilah: Being that I’m married to your brother, I’d have to say not at all.

Dex: U wouldn’t care if I completely renovated it?

Kalilah: Nope. As long as it’s resalable.

Dex: Good. I’m losing testosterone in this place.

Kalilah: LMAO. I was thinking about a bathroom reno before I ran off with Nick.

Dex: Imma pimp yo’ crib.

Kalilah: OMG Trust Fund, you just took us all the way back to MTV in the early 2000s.

Dex laughed when she sent the eyeroll emoji. He shook his head – one sister gets him worked up then the other calms him down. Kalilah often called them ‘trust fund’ when they did something only the rich could do, like decide on Friday to reno a house on Monday.

Dex: OK sexy lady. Tell that bum of yours to contact the contractors for me. I want a meeting on Monday.

Kalilah: Hey! Watch how you handle my husband. He’s finding himself.

Dex: Yeah, yeah. I’ve decided to go out of town for the weekend. Tell him we are doing the walk through with the contractor and demo on Monday.

Kalilah: Why are you telling me to tell him?

Dex: Because I know his lazy ass is currently looking over your shoulder.

Dex was rewarded

with a photo of Kalilah smiling with Nick cuddled up next to her in bed glaring at the phone. Since discovering Kalilah was pregnant, Andrew Sinclair decided to lessen her workload in favor of the health of his grandchild. She worked home every Friday and he’s finally considering hiring someone for one of her two VP titles.

Dex: LMAO! Case in point. Monday.

Still no word from Cayla. Resigned, Dex jumped up to prepare an overnight bag. He decided to make arrangements – if she called, he’d take her with him. If she didn’t, he’d spend a quiet weekend alone. He scrolled through his contacts until he found the person he needed.

“Sinclair Enterprises. Lisa speaking,” Lisa said crisply into the phone. He understood why she was his dad’s assistant. She was aesthetically pleasing and competent.

“Lisa, darling,” he purred pouring on the charm.

“What is it, Dex?” He could hear the smile in her voice. At 31 and five years older than him, she was old enough to know he was full of shit, but it didn’t stop her from checking him out when he visited.

“I need your expertise, beautiful. I need the jet to drop me off in California. Lake Tahoe to be exact. It would also be beyond lovely if you could book me a cabin for today through Sunday.”

“Beautiful? I don’t need compliments, but I do like gratuity,” she cooed into the phone.

Dex smirked. She would totally fuck him if he tried. It wasn’t a bad notion. She really was beautiful to him. However, her status as his dad’s executive assistant and his departure from the love-them-and-leave-them society made that impossible. He wanted Cayla even if she was a pain in his ass.

“I’ll tell you what, sweetheart. Make this happen for me, and I will personally fulfill any request within reason.” He realized his answer put sex on the table. “Give me a list of the top three things you’d like for me to buy you,” he amended. “I’ll get you something from that list. Deal?”


The way she dragged out her response confirmed his theory. She was going to ask for sex. His body responded to the idea. He wouldn’t follow through, but he was only human. His dick wanted relief. He hadn’t had sex since he returned to Houston. If this standoff with Cayla lasted until June, he would be sexless for a year. Dex was becoming tired of his own hand, but it would have to do. He was serious about wanting a relationship. He just hoped he didn’t have to settle for someone he liked less than Cayla.

Dex: I want a nice renovated one with modern amenities. Close enough to get to a grocery store but still secluded from neighbors.

Lisa: The jet can leave at 11:45. If I don’t have you booked by the time you leave, the information will be waiting for you when you land.

Lisa: Accommodations for 2?

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic