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She smiled up at him, the prettiest smile he’d ever seen. It made his heart sing.

“Rock? Can hotels run outta hot water?”

“No, but let’s get clean real quick.”

He grabbed her body wash and squeezed some onto her pink scrubbie, then more into his hand for himself.

“You’re going to smell like me,” she said, laughing.

“I don’t mind. Not one bit. I dare anyone to say anything to me.”

After rinsing them both, he turned the water off, reached out and grabbed a towel for her and began to dry her back.

“Aren’t you getting cold?” she asked.

“I’ll be fine.”

He turned her around and she braced herself with her hands on his shoulders.

“Rock? Can I ask you about this tattoo? The apple pie on your chest?”

“Over my heart.”

“What does it mean?”

“I got it when my mom passed a few years ago. Right before I came to work for you, actually. She made the best apple pie you’ve ever tasted. I got this for her.”

“That’s so sweet. I love that you’re a mama’s boy.”

“Hey, now,” he warned, but he didn’t really seem to mind. “My mom and I were always close. She would have loved you.”

“Do you think so?”

He stopped and stared down at her lovely face. “Yeah, I do.”

Just like I do.

But he wasn’t going to say it. It was too soon. Whatever was happening between them was brand new, no matter how long they’d known each other. And it struck him that maybe what Kyra was feeling was gratitude, or maybe this was her rebounding.

Oh, God, what if that was all this was? She was going to regret this.

He could swear he’d felt as much from her as he felt himself. But what if he was fooling himself into thinking this was real simply because it was what he wanted?

Stop overthinking.

He needed a meal and probably some sleep; that would settle his mind. He resolved to enjoy his time with Ky tonight. Especially because he didn’t know what tomorrow would bring.

They ordered room service and chatted comfortably while they ate. They talked about the upcoming show, and he told her when Derek had asked him to join him in the office while she’d been in the room with Sadie that they’d discussed upping security for the concert, which she seemed to be relieved to hear.

After dinner Kyra started to yawn, and knowing they were both exhausted after the adventures of the day, including their adventures in bed and in the shower, he tucked her into bed and got in next to her. Despite his worries, he couldn’t help but smile to himself as they laid there. His girl was in his arms, snuggled up against him, and it was impossible not to feel hopeful. He fell asleep in mere minutes and slept through the night.

Tags: Allie Belle Romance