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After struggling in the doorway, the two brothers crashed to the floor, feet from me, bursting into a brawl. Their vicious growls and punches had me recoiling. They rolled across the room, and it was impossible to work out who struck who with how fast they reacted and attacked. Mind you, they were still in human form, and I could just imagine how terrifying they’d be in their wolf form… bringing back flashes of Hendrix in his.

But what the hell had come over River? Even though I had no clue how I’d let it happen, last night had ended up magical, a night I would never, ever forget. Brayden had never come close to making me feel the things River did. But today, he behaved like a jealous stalker. Like a possessive beast gone mad.

The growls coming from their fight had me tensing and backing away. My body trembled, and my knees softened. I still felt River’s kisses on my body, my lips bruised, and the ache between my thighs leaving a delicious reminder of what we’d done.

But this, I didn’t understand. And I wanted nothing to do with what was going on.

Caspian tossed River halfway across the room where he smashed into a table, which broke under his fall. Then Caspian darted across the room with lightning speed.

I gripped my middle, needing to get out of here… out of their way.

I glanced at the door and hurried into the hallway, only to slam right into a wall of muscles. Bouncing back from Hendrix, he snatched my shoulders and steadied me.

“I got you,” he said, his furrowed brow softening.

A thunderous crash hit the wall from within the room, feeling like the whole house shook.

“The fuck!” Hendrix growled.

He sucked in a deep breath, and I noted the air of danger around him like he could put down both of his brothers if he so chose.

“Syn, stay here.”

He guided me to stand aside then stormed into the room. One thing was for sure: these brothers were dangerous; not just to others but to each other.

Stumbling backward, my heels hit the wall, and I flinched at the banging crashes mixed with thunderous growls.

Several guards rushed up the stairs at the chaos. The moment they caught sight of the brothers at each other’s throats, their faces blanched and they made a hasty retreat.

Everyone was terrified of them.

It was only when the sounds suddenly died that I got worried. Licking my lips, I approached the doorway cautiously and stepped inside.

Hendrix had River by the neck pinned to the wall, a low growl rolling over his throat, their gazes connected. I’d seen this once before… where Brayden’s father, the pack Alpha tried to make a beta male submissive. Anton held the wolf’s gaze until he finally submitted.

Caspian stood nearby, watching, wiping the back of his hand across his bloody lip. His hair sat messily around his face, his shirt ripped, but he seemed more concerned than furious.

When a rugged keen whimpered from River, Hendrix released him. He tumbled to his knees and sucked in fresh air to fill his lungs.

“What the fuck is going on?” he barked.

“He pissed me off,” River snarled, getting to his feet, shoving the hair out of his face.

“You bastard,” Caspian howled. “You attacked me, remember that? Syn is not your toy. You don’t get to shove her into your bedroom and lock her up.”

A guttural growl spilled from Hendrix when he twisted his head to face me. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I’m not hurt. Just more shaken.”

With his jaw set like concrete, he whipped back to his brothers. “This bullshit ends now. She’s not yours to own, River. She’s not Caspian’s either. Or just mine.” He glanced at Caspian, his lip curling up. “She’s ours. Ours to play with. Do you understand what that means?” he snarled, mostly at River.

My lips pressed tight together, and his words struck hard, leaving me slightly dizzy. How could he say that? Did I mean so little that I was just a plaything?

River’s pale, blue eyes flashed in my direction, and for a moment, he looked torn as though he couldn’t decide between coming to me or following Hendrix’s command.

When his gaze finally swept back to Hendrix, his mouth twisted in a scowl. “This sharing thing would be new for you, brother.” Darkness flooded his eyes, matching his heavy voice.

What did that mean?

I blinked at all three of them, the air thick. Then River stormed out of the room. Shadows danced across his face, and he didn’t even bother looking my way.

My stomach sank, and I felt like a stranger. Like I didn't know a thing about these men. And yet, I’d let myself kiss Hendrix, had sex with River, and fantasized about Caspian. Maybe something was wrong with me for being attracted to such broken men.

Or perhaps that was all I’d know all my life after losing my parents and brother. After living with my fated mate who rejected me. And part of me couldn’t help but sense a strange similarity at that moment.

Was Hendrix pushing me away by being cruel… just as Brayden rejected me?

Immediately I wanted to be sick, and my body was taking over as my heart clenched. I curled my fists by my sides, drowning in so many emotions that I stumbled on my feet from how light-headed I’d become.

Anger. Pity. Devastation. And a hungry desperation to just fit in somewhere and stop being tossed aside.

I swallowed hard, blinking fast to pull back the tears. These men took me, but I didn’t owe them anything. Not my loyalty, and definitely not my heart. And if I was just a plaything, then I knew exactly where I stood. It was better this way… especially after my night with River.

Fewer complications. No commitment.

I barely believed my own lies, but when Caspian and Hendrix turned toward me, I forced a smile… it felt strained on my face and so fake. I retreated from the room, wanting to be alone. To sort out the tangled mess in my chest.

Hendrix was by my side in moments, and I glanced over my shoulder to Caspian heading in the opposite direction to us, back toward his room, I supposed.

“Are you alright? Did River hurt you?” Hedrix asked again. He was a gorgeous man, one that had drawn me out of my life and into his. Who made me feel things I never expected, but I didn’t want to be hurt again.

“No, he didn’t,” I answered. “It was just a mix-up.” In truth, I wasn’t sure what it was, or why I was standing up for him, but I hated seeing the brothers fight.

Something on his face changed from a hard expression to one of compassion, which took me off guard. “After this morning, you deserve a bit of fun in your day.”

“What do you mean?” My shoulders reared back, and I stared at him stunned. Brayden had often promised me great things, but it always backfired on me and benefited him. So what did Hendrix have in mind?

“Take a shower and meet me down in the kitchen. I’m arranging for Eliza to give you a tour of the house. She spoke excitedly about you the other day.”

I straightened, my shoulders pulling back. “Wait, you trust me to leave my room without one of you breathing down my neck?”

“I can’t keep you locked up forever.” He grinned genuinely, and I looked up at him, wanting to say so many things, but I couldn't find the right words.

I struggled to get his earlier words out of my mind. They shouldn’t upset me, especially seeing how I was drawn to all three Alphas. But the way he’d said it sounded like I was nothing. Was I fooling myself that I’d be anything more no matter where I was or who I was with?

“That would be nice.” I didn’t say anything else, and we separated at the top of the staircase, a tightness forming in my chest.

* * *

Tags: C.R. Jane The Alpha-Hole Duet Paranormal