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Lifting my head, I met her gaze, and that smile was magical. The kind where she forgot about the real world… where she floated. It warmed my heart.

I pulled out of her while she collapsed back on the bed, breathing heavily. She was a beautiful hot mess. Her hair was wild, eyes glazed over, pussy leaking with my cum.

This sweetheart would become mine. She brought things out in me… possessiveness and the need to keep her close.

“Stay there. And don’t you dare close your legs,” I told her and made my way into the bathroom where I grabbed a towel and lightly dampened one end.

Strolling back into the room, my angel remained on her back, those sexy legs spread, and her pussy glistening, open for me to see it all. I gazed at her curves in the dark, and if she stayed that way for much longer, I’d be fucking her again.

I leaned over and wiped my cum from her, then cleaned down the inside of her thighs too. Like I said, I wasn’t a complete bastard.

Tossing the towel to the floor, I collapsed onto the bed alongside her and dragged her into my arms. “That was incredible,” I whispered as she curled against me. Her head leaned on my outstretched arm, and she looked up at me.

“I don’t remember the last time I felt this content,” she murmured, her glazed eyes already starting to close. “Thank you. I will never forget tonight.”

I grinned to myself, and in moments, her breathing deepened.

My angel had fallen asleep. Maybe she hadn’t been lying about being tired earlier.

I drew the blanket over us and held her, enclosing her in my arms.

I rubbed her back gently, but there was something wrong with the skin there. I tensed and let my fingers graze over the lines and bumps that felt like healed burn marks. She wasn’t in pain, or she would have howled at my touch.

I frowned at the thought of anyone causing her such damage. I wouldn’t wake her to take a better look, but I was certain I knew what her nightmares were filled with.

Holding her tighter in my arms, I made a silent promise to myself that I’d keep her safe and protected from everyone.

* * *

I rolled over,a smile playing on my lips as the taste of my angel still lingered on the back of my throat. Stretching an arm across the mattress, ready for another round, I patted an empty bed and opened my eyes.

Morning light stung my eyes, but I was more concerned about where my kitten had gotten to.

Dragging my naked ass out of bed, I ran a hand through my messy hair and lifted my gaze to the bathroom. The door sat open, and there was no sound of the shower. Up on my feet, I checked to find it empty, so while I was there, I made use of the toilet.

On the way out, I snatched my boxers off the floor, slipped them on, and headed out into the hallway. The door of her room hung off one hinge. That’d need fixing.

She couldn’t have gone far.

I had zero clue how I managed to fall so deep under her spell. But waking up with her on my mind, her scent in my nostrils, the taste of her pussy in my mouth, I was kidding myself if I pretended she hadn’t affected me. My thoughts revolved around her and what I had planned for us today. I’d been surprised that I found myself so enamored with this woman.

With the waft of bacon in the air, I headed toward the staircase, because if she was anything like me, the calling of food would mean I’d find her in the dining room.

When Syn’s soft laughter floated in the air, I grinned and lifted my gaze to the end of the hallway. Changing gears, I made my way in that direction, curving toward the wing of my brother’s room.

I passed my room and turned the corner to find Syn and Caspian standing in front of a painting on the wall, laughing. She had her hand on his bicep and wore her pajama pants and tee. The ones where she had nothing underneath.

A white-hot burning sensation ran over me when I saw them together after what we had last night. She was mine!

My brother stared at her like she was everything to him.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Caspian raised his head, glancing at me, grinning. “You’re looking at me oddly. What’s up your ass?”

I couldn’t help it; I strode toward them, my steps striking the floorboards harshly.

My chest clenched, and something about what I’d shared with her made it impossible for me to see her laughing with my brother. She was mine, and I’d make it so.

Caspian glared at me as Syn met my gaze, her eyelids batting, and her gorgeous smile greeted me.

“Morning,” she said.

Part of me wanted to return the grin, to take her into my arms, to forget my brother was there.

All was fine and well if it wasn’t for the explosion of lava scorching my insides. The fire to possess her all for myself ignited within me. My eyes funneled on Caspian.

“You okay?” he asked again, one of his eyebrows arching.

“I’ll be okay in a moment,” I growled. I might as well be flying high on adrenaline, feeling like I’d somehow stepped out of my body, and my wolf took me over.

A wild expression flared over Caspian’s face at my approach.

“I have something to talk to Syn about,” I said, passing him, my shoulder knocking into his. With my attention on my angel, I took her hand and drew her away from Caspian. “Let’s go.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Caspian asked behind me, but I moved quicker.

“Slow down,” Syn said, tugging against my hold, but my grasp tightened.

I couldn’t explain the jealousy flashing in my mind, and I couldn’t stop it either.

Caspian cursed something behind me, but my head was pulsing too loudly with the pounding of my heart. All I had time for was Syn. Only Syn.

"River, please let me go,” she pleaded. I saw confusion and frustration in her eyes, saw anger in the way her nostrils flared.

“I won’t hurt you. I told you that last night.” I wanted to claim her, to keep her safe. There were too many things in this world, even on this island, that could harm her. She was better off somewhere protected.

Caspian marched up behind us, and I tensed.

Tags: C.R. Jane The Alpha-Hole Duet Paranormal