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Anger surges through my blood, and the vein in my neck pulses violently as I see red. “What the fuck did you say?” I roar. “I bet Daddy would love to hear this. He thinks his little girl is such a good girl, but I know the truth. You’re a self-serving slut, and I don’t know what I ever saw in you.”

Bodhi barks out a laugh, but I see the rage in his eyes and the tension in his jaw. He’s as pissed at her comments as me, but his stubborn need to hurt me overrides his true feelings and doing the right thing. He narrows his eyes at Hollis. “If anything goes down, it goes down on my terms.” Shifting his attention to me, he shoots me a sneering look. “Reeve and Dillon shared Mom. Maybe we should see what all the fuss is about?”

My blood boils as I glare at him. “You take that back.” I prod my finger in the air, working hard not to lose my shit. “You can’t say shit like that.”

“I can say whatever the fuck I want.”

“This whole fucking nightmare started because our dads both wanted Mom!” I shout. “Don’t you dare make light of this or attempt to glaze over it. Be careful what you say next, Bo, because I’m all out of patience with you.”

He glares at me, and tension bleeds into the air as we stare at one another with so much emotion and so many things left unsaid filling the space between us.

If you’d asked me even a month ago if anything could ever tear me and my brother apart, I would’ve laughed in your face and told you to stop saying stupid shit.

I cannot believe we are here and that things have sunk to a new low. In the grand scheme of things, Hollis doesn’t matter one little bit. Except for what she represents. I don’t know if I can ever forgive Bo for this. If our relationship will ever recover.

I know he’s hurting, but that doesn’t give him a free pass to betray me.

Bo breaks our staring contest first, ignoring me as he gestures toward Hollis. “Slut, get over here and finish sucking my dick.”

And he’s made his choice.

Pain mixes with frustration and anger inside me, and I’m close to the edge.

This was the time to pull back on the bullshit, and he made the wrong choice.

Hollis glances between Bo and me, biting on her lower lip in an obvious tell. Drunk as she is, she’s not oblivious to the clear tension between me and my brother, and it’s evident she’s torn over what to do.

I decide to help her out because I’m not torn over this decision. “I’ll make this easy for you,” I tell her. “We’re done. I want nothing more to do with you.”

Bodhi barks out a laugh. “This wasn’t your decision, and you know it, but you just can’t bear to lose face, can you,brother?”

He’s so full of shit. Even if Hollis does want him, there’s no way he actually genuinely wants her and no way in hell her parents would let her date Bodhi with his current attitude.

His eyes roll back in his head as Hollis makes her decision and climbs up on the bed. Bodhi grabs her arm and pulls her to him. She giggles, kissing his neck as he purposely gropes her, deliberately trying to hurt me. “Tell me, Easton. How does it feel to take second place to me? How does it feel knowing I have taken something that belonged to you?”

“If this is some fucked-up form of revenge, you lose. Hollis doesn’t matter.” I grind my teeth to the molars, struggling to hold myself in check.

Hollisdoesn’tmatter, but Bodhi does.

I can’t believe he is doing this.

How can a person change so much so fast?

Where the fuck has my brother gone, and do we have any chance of ever getting him back?

“Really?” He quirks a brow as he lifts her up, positioning her over his body. “Little slut, ride my cock. Show my brother how much you matter.”

I should walk away. My head screams at me to do that. To be the bigger man, but I can’t make my limbs move. It’s like I’m frozen in place, watching in horror as my brother drives the knife in deeper.

There will be no coming back from this.

His eyes never stray from mine as she lowers her pussy down over his cock. She moans, throwing her head back and rocking on top of him as rage becomes a festering inferno in my veins. Bodhi sits up, keeping her on his lap, sucking her tits and grinning at me like a maniac as he tugs her nipple with his teeth.

“Holy shit!” someone says from the open doorway behind me. “You guys, you gotta see this.”

Hollis is so out of it as she rocks up and down on my brother’s dick, she doesn’t realize they have gained an audience. Bo laughs as he thrusts up inside her while glaring at me like he hates me. Laughter rings out behind me, and humiliation mixes with anger and pain as the hold on my control snaps, and I lunge across the bed, wrapping my arm around my brother’s neck and dragging him away from my ex-girlfriend as Hollis screams.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance