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I’m standing outside by the front door when they pull up an hour later, and I almost trip over my feet in my hurry to get to Easton. Opening his car door, I lean in and hug him, almost suffocating the poor child. “Mommy. You’re squeezing me to death!” he says, and Dillon chuckles.

“Hollywood, let the little guy get out of his seat.” Dillon tugs me back, wrapping an arm around my waist as Easton unbuckles his seat belt and jumps out of the car.

“I had the best time, Mommy, and Uncle Dillon got you some chocolate ice cream. He knew it was your favorite.” Easton holds a small paper bag out to me as Dillon presses his warm mouth to my ear. “Remember that time we ate ice cream off one another? I even licked it out of your—”

“Dillon!” I shriek, twisting out of his hold. “Not in front of little ears.” I don’t care that he was whispering in my ear. Easton has razor-sharp hearing and an uncanny ability to hear things I don’t want him to hear.

“Were you being naughty again, Uncle Dillon?” East asks, grinning up at his dad.

“I was just reminding Mommy of a game we used to play and asking her if she wanted to play it with me again.” He flashes me a devilish grin I long to wipe off his face.

“I love games!” Easton jumps up and down. “Let’s play the game!”

I glare at Dillon, and he discreetly swats my ass. “It’s an adult game, buddy,” he says, crouching down to E. “How about we play cops and robbers?”

That basically means they get to chase each other all over the house, screaming and shouting like lunatics. Dillon is the biggest kid, but I can’t ever be mad about it. Easton loves his special brand of crazy.

“I wanna be the robber this time!” Easton screams.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Dillon lifts a brow. “I’ll give you ten seconds before I come looking for you.” Easton races into the house, almost knocking Leon over in his haste to get away from Dillon. “Apologies, sweetheart.” Dillon kisses my cheek, grinning. “We’ll have to take a rain check on the naked ice cream party.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance