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Shame washes over me for the first time, and I’m embarrassed at how poorly I treated Viv at Bruxelles. I let my pain take control, hurting the girl who means everything to me.

“I wasn’t with Aoife,” I blurt, eyeballing my sister. “I just did that to hurt Viv.”

“I know, dumbass. It was a shitty move, and you hurt my best friend.” Her eyes turn glacial. “I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive you for that, even if you do make things right with her.”

I set the guitar aside, too guilt-ridden to test it out right now. “I don’t see how. She’s gone, and I missed my chance to fix things.”

Jamie and Ash trade conspiratorial looks. My sister grabs my mug, thrusting it into my hands. “Drink.”

“What are you up to?”

“Do you love Vivien, Dillon? No bullshit. It’s just us three here.”

“I do. I love her so much.”

“Then get on a fucking plane, and tell her that. Talk to her. Make her see she has options. That this doesn’t have to be the end for you two.” Ash’s eyes blaze with determination. “I think she just needs to hear the words from your lips and she’ll change her mind.”

Ash isn’t aware of everything. I wonder if she knew the truth if she would still want me to chase after her best friend. Going after Viv is risky as fuck, and there are no guarantees. This could all end badly and cause a shitstorm of epic proportions. She could take his side when she discovers the truth. “What if she doesn’t?”

“You won’t know if you don’t try, but you’ve got to hurry. Reeve is going to try to win her back, and she’s vulnerable now.” Ash extracts her phone from her jeans pocket. “There’s a flight leaving for LAX in four hours. Say the word, and I’ll book the ticket.”

Of course, he’s going to try to get her back. I’ve known that all along.

Reeve Lancaster always gets what he wants.

Except this time.

Fuck it.

I’m not a coward.

I’m not a quitter.

And Vivien is worth fighting for.

It’s time to man up and claim my woman.

He isnottaking her from me.

I will fight him to the bitter end because I love her. I love her more than life, and she’s worth risking everything.

With my mind made up, I wish I could click my fingers and be in L.A. already. I don’t know how much a plane ticket costs, but I have some measly savings, so I can probably just about afford it.

“Don’t worry about the cost,” Ash says, as if she’s a mind reader. “I’ll get it, and you can pay me back when you make it big. I haven’t paid rent all year, so I’ve managed to save a lot. I’ll book you a plane ticket and a hotel room. Just say the word.” Her finger hovers over a button on her phone.

“How will I find her?”

Ash flashes me a triumphant grin. “I have her US mobile number. You can call her when you get there and arrange to meet.”

Ripping the duvet off, I swing my legs out of the bed. “Book it. I’m grabbing a shower.”

Ash squeals, and I hope I’m doing the right thing.

“Pack my shit,” I tell Jamie, knowing time is of the essence. “Enough for a week.”

“A week?” He lifts an eyebrow. “Don’t forget the scout is coming to see us perform in ten days.”

“I need some time to work through things with Viv, but I promise I’ll be back in time for the event.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance