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“You don’t have to explain yourself to him,” Alex snarls as Audrey slips back into the room carrying a fresh vodka cranberry. “You owe him nothing.” Alex rounds on Dillon, putting his face all up in his. “You don’t get to come in here today, of all days, after the shit you’ve pulled, and the stress you put a pregnant woman under, and demand a second chance like you deserve one. Reeve was worth a million of you, and he loved Viv with his whole heart.” Alex shoves Dillon in the chest, and I’m terrified things are about to go south.

Audrey places the vodka in my hand, fixing me with apologetic eyes. “Alex and I are going to look after your guests until you’re done here.” She levels her husband with a look. “Aren’t we, honey?” She yanks on his arm, pulling him away from Dillon before he can retaliate with his words or his fists.

Alex mumbles under his breath but doesn’t protest as she drags him out of the room. Air whooshes out of my mouth in grateful relief. As much as I’m thankful to Alex for standing up for me, I don’t want a fight breaking out.

“Good riddance,” Dillon mutters, and I level an evil eye in his direction.

“Immature much?” Sarcasm drips off my tone.

“Jesus Christ, Dil.” Ash yanks him down, forcing him into Audrey’s vacant seat. “You are your own worst enemy.”

He sighs heavily, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. “For the record, I might have hated Reeve, but I never wished him dead. I’m willing to admit I was wrong. If you say Reeve didn’t know and Simon was the one who manipulated me, then I believe you.”

“Oh,nowyou believe me.” I throw my hands in the air, almost dislodging the plate of uneaten sandwiches on my lap. Mom lunges for them, setting the plate down on the table. “Now he’s dead, you’re willing to accept the truth. I was blue in the face telling you it was all lies, and you refused to believe me!” I yell.

“Because I was upset and shocked and I’d believed what that asshole Simon said,” he yells back.

“Don’t you dare shout at my daughter. Act civilly or you can leave this house.” Mom jabs her finger in the air at Dillon.

“Dillon. Please.” Cath’s teary eyes plead with her son.

Ignoring both moms, Dillon looks me straight in the eye. “I’ve spent years nurturing this hatred, Viv. How stupid do you think I feel knowing I was played completely? I believed Reeve knew about me. I thought he was a selfish prick who didn’t give a shit about me. What I read about him on social media seemed to confirm it. Look at what he did to you! You were a mess when you first landed in Dublin.”

“I know how I felt, thank you very much. I don’t need a history lesson from you, and we’ve already covered this.”

“He hurt you, but you forgave him. I’m just looking for the same opportunity. Please let me make amends. Please give me one more chance. I won’t let you down. I promise.” Desperation bleeds into the air, seeping from his words and the pleading expression on his face. “I know what I did was wrong. I see that now. I wish I could turn back the clock and do so many things differently.” He thumps his chest. “I will have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life. I didn’t know my brother, and now I never will. I know that’s partly on me. If I could trade places with him, I would.”

“Dillon, no!” Cath cries. “Don’t say that.”

Dillon’s Adam’s apple jumps in his throat, and I feel Cath’s pain. “Sorry, Ma. I don’t mean to upset you, but I’ve made a mess of things. Sometimes I think it would’ve been easier if Simon had just murdered me when I was born.”

Fucking hell.

Cath’s cries are louder, and Ash, Ro, and Jamie stare at Dillon in shock. I don’t know what to think. Whether he’s being sincere or if this is still a game he’s playing. Mom and Dad look troubled, and I’m just so over this day and ready to draw a line under it.

“Don’t say that, Dil.” Ash shakes her head. “Yes, you’re a dickhead. Yes, you’ve fucked up and hurt my best friend. But you’ve hurt yourself too.” Her worried gaze meets mine. “We shouldn’t have come here today. It wasn’t fair on you. Emotions are still too raw. I know you distrust Dillon now, and I don’t blame you. I really don’t, Viv. I’m putting myself in your shoes, and I would feel the same way, but what you had in Ireland was real. Deep down, you know that too. One day, when you’re not mourning your beloved husband and beautiful little girl, maybe you might be able to look at it differently. That day isn’t today, and I think we should go.” She looks at her parents, and Cath nods, swiping at the tears flowing down her face.

Ash slings her arms around her brother, squeezing him tight. Her apologetic gaze locks on mine, and there are so many unspoken words between us. I know I need to fix things with her. Especially now she will be in my life. She’s Easton’s auntie, and I can’t continue to deny that fact, even if I’ll be keeping contact with the O’Donoghues to a minimum until Easton has properly grieved Reeve and Lainey.

“Ash is right, and we will go, but I need to get this out first,” Dillon says. “I know you’re traumatized and heartbroken and you don’t need any more of the heavy. But you need to know my biggest lie was what I told you about my feelings for you. I led you to believe I didn’t care, but that’s not the truth.I care. So fucking much.” His eyes bore into my face. “I know you’re not ready to hear this, but I need to say it. I still love you, Vivien Grace. I never stopped.”

What a crock of shit, and I’m not buying it. Actions speak louder than words, and that is most definitely true in Dillon’s case. I school my features into a neutral line, as he continues.

“I can see you don’t believe it, and I can’t force you to. But we need to try to find a way to get along, because Easton is my son, and—”

I interrupt his desperate word vomit because I refuse to listen to one more word of his bullshit. I see it now. I see what new game he’s playing. Spewing all this shit, trying to win me over to his side, just so he can slide in and steal Easton away from me. Over my dead body will that happen!

“He’s not yours!” I shout, rising abruptly. “He’s Reeve’s son! Reeve willalwaysbe his daddy, not you! You’re just a sperm donor in the same way Simon Lancaster was.”

Mom sucks in a breath, standing. “Vivien.” I can tell I’ve shocked even her, and I know I’m being callous, but how dare Dillon show up here, thinking he can mouth some pretty words at me and all will be forgiven.

“We shouldn’t have come,” Dillon says, unfurling to his full height. Pain radiates from his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“Ya think?” I shout, shucking out of Mom’s grasp. “My husband and my baby were only buried today, and you’re over here already staking your claim onmyson!” I stalk toward him, shoving his chest. “He’smyson. He will never be yours! Never! Fuck you, Dillon! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance