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Iget off the phone with the real estate broker and squeal. “Someone sounds happy,” Dillon says, entering my home office, carrying two mugs.

I stand, smiling. “We got it. We got the site.”

Since we returned to L.A. from Vegas two months ago, we have been actively looking for suitable plots of land to build our new house. When we got home after our wedding, we talked about where we would live, deciding it was time we looked for our own place. It didn’t feel right to start our new married life in the dream home Reeve built for me, yet I wasn’t entirely comfortable living in Dillon’s bachelor house either. Thankfully, we were on the same page, and we agreed to start looking immediately for a new family home.

We weren’t planning on building from scratch, but we’d viewed tons of houses, and none of them were right. Our real estate broker told us about a site high up in the Hollywood Hills with amazing views, and we knew it was perfect the second we saw it.

“That is the best news.” Dillon kisses me passionately before handing me a coffee.

“I have good news too,” he says, taking my hand and leading me over to the couch. “I spoke to the guys, and they’re in agreement. We’re delaying the European tour for a year.”

“Are you sure, Dillon? You know we would come with you, and now I’ve decided I’m not going back to my freelance work, I have no commitments holding me back.”

I take a sip of my coffee as I consider how fortunate I am that I don’t have to work for a living. However, I do like keeping busy, and while, in the past, I enjoyed writing for TV shows and movies, my outlook on life has changed in a lot of ways, and my priorities are different.

I am still working on the book about my life, as well as a few works of fiction, and I’m more interested in dress designing right now. That and I want to be here for Dillon and Easton, and I want to focus on my family. Building the new place will be a mammoth project, even with a full-time project manager on board. I don’t want to overstretch myself or make any huge commitments. I prefer to see where life takes me.

“I know, sweetheart, but I want to settle down here and enjoy life with you and East. I’m sick of touring, and I need a break.” He drains the last of his coffee, setting his mug down on the table.

“And the guys are genuinely okay with it?”

He nods. “I think Jamie and Ash want to try for a baby, so he’s happy to put down some roots for a change.”

“She told me they’re trying,” I admit because I know she wouldn’t expect me to keep it from Dillon.

“We should probably discuss that at some point,” he says, looking a little anxious.

“Let’s discuss it now.”

“I know you’ve said you want more children, but the last time we talked about it, you said you didn’t know when you’d be ready. I’m not pressuring you,” he rushes to reassure me. “I’d just like to get an idea of when we can start trying.”

“When would you like to start?” I ask, drinking a mouthful of my drink.

“Whenever you’re ready. You set the pace, Hollywood. You know that.” He shoots me a lopsided grin, and I melt on the inside. I love this man so much, and I thank God every day for bringing him back to my life.

“Then I guess we’re getting rid of the condoms.”

“Yeah?” He sits upright, looking a little dazed. “You mean that?”

I nod, smiling. “I do. I want to have another baby with you, Dillon. I’m ready.”

He puts my mug down and lifts me up, swinging me around.

I’m laughing when Charlotte sticks her head in the room. “Sorry for interrupting. I did knock, but—”

“My wife was squealing so loud we didn’t hear you,” Dillon continues for her.

I swat his chest. “Put me down.”

Charlotte smiles, and her delight at my joy is obvious. She was the first to warmly congratulate us when we returned home. She adores Dillon, and he has her wrapped around his little finger.

We posted a selfie on our wedding day, confirming our marriage, wanting to break the news first. Dillien supporters went crazy, and there were the usual haters, but we ignored them.

One of the greatest gifts Dillon has given me is the ability to look at the media intrusion in a completely different light. I don’t let it stress me out the way I used to, and I sure as fuck don’t let it stop me from living my life.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance