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“I’m betting Viv didn’t think accepting your proposal meant she’d be getting married five days later,” Jamie jokes as we stand at the top of the small aisle in the chapel we booked for our wedding ceremony.

“She said she couldn’t wait to marry me,” I reply, smiling as my parents arrive the same time as Vivien’s.

“I’m sure she didn’t mean it literally.”

I glare at Jamie. “You’re the worst fucking best man in history. You’re supposed to be calming my nerves not making out like I bullied my fiancée into a rush wedding.”

Jamie chuckles. “You are so on edge.”

“Don’t tell me you weren’t the same?”

After Vivien and I announced the good news to our friends and family the next morning, Jamie and Ash admitted they had gotten married last year when they were on vacation in Mexico. I couldn’t believe Ash had kept that a secret or that my best mate hadn’t told me. They explained they did it on the spur-of-the-moment, and they wanted to enjoy some time as a married couple before anyone knew and the press found out. I’m not mad, just gobsmacked my sister managed to keep it a secret for so long.

“Fact,” Jamie agrees. “And I’m only yanking your chain. Vivien loves you. God knows why, but she’ll be here.”

I elbow my only groomsman in the ribs before I step away to welcome both sets of parents.

Vivien was more than happy when I suggested we stay in Vegas and tie the knot this week. Easton isn’t back to school until next week, so there was no immediate rush to head back to L.A. She had a big wedding the last time she got married, and she told me she loved the idea of a small private affair with just our close friends and family. It was a bit of a tight timeline getting my family here from Ireland, but we pulled it off.

Ash, Vivien, and the hotel manager have been pulling long days organizing everything. Honestly, I would have eloped and married her in my jeans with just Easton, Ash, and the band there, but Vivien had a few requests, and I can never deny her anything.

She wanted her dad to give her away.

She wanted both families here.

And she wanted to wear a wedding dress and me to wear a monkey suit.

So, here I am, waiting in a chapel in Las Vegas in a black Prada suit with a black shirt and white tie, shitting bricks because my idiot best man has planted stupid doubts in my mind.

Jamie, Ash, and Audrey are the only other members of the bridal party, along with Easton, because we wanted to keep it low-key.

Before, I would probably have asked Ronan too, but things aren’t the same between us. I managed to sidestep my feelings so we could get through the tour, and apart from that betrayal, he’s been a good brother. But I can’t forget the years I lost with Easton and the part he played. In time, I think I’ll get to a place where I can forgive him, but I doubt our relationship will ever be how it once was.

“You look so handsome, Dillon.” Ma yanks me down into her arms. “And I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Ma.”

Dad slaps me on the back. “Looking dapper, son.”

“Thanks for being here. Where is everyone else?”

“They are getting pictures outside, but they’ll be in in a minute,” Ma explains. “I’ll be having more words with you and my daughter after the ceremony,” she says over my head as Jamie approaches. She let rip at the two of them last night at dinner, but it seems she didn’t get it all off her chest.

“You can’t still be mad, Cath? You should be happy you got someone to take that wild woman off your hands.”

Ma grabs him by the shirt, pulling him into a hug. “C’mere, you scoundrel, and don’t be talking about my daughter like that.”

“You know I love the fucking bones of her, and I’ll take the best care of her.”

“Suck-up,” I mouth.

Jamie flips me the bird, and I spot Lauren smirking as she takes it all in. She was at dinner last night with the entire clan, so she knows what we’re like by now. The two mums get on famously, and Viv’s dad even managed to coax my dad into a discussion, which is a miracle in itself because Dad isn’t known for his lively conversation. He’s more of the stoic silent observer.

“The girls have agreed to a joint wedding reception in Ireland next summer,” I remind her. “You can have your day out then.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance