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“I understand why you didn’t, but it raised old fears to the surface. And I reverted to default mode.”

“You can’t test the people you love, Dillon. What you did earlier was emotional manipulation, just like those early days in Ireland. We can’t go there again. We’re supposed to be older and wiser.”

“You’re right, and I’ve spoken about it in therapy. Maybe I need to do a few more sessions.”

“I think that would be a good idea.” I wet my lips. I’m slightly nervous to say this, but we’ve got to be honest with one another, and this needs to be said. “I still think you’re triggered by Reeve, a little, and we need to discuss that and properly move past it. Would you be open to couples therapy? Meryl mentioned it to me before, and I’m sure she’d be open to some video sessions while we’re on the road.”

“I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this work and to make you happy. Line it up, and I’m there.”

“Thank you.” I peck his lips, resting my head on his shoulder.

He twists my ponytail around his fist. “We fucked up again, huh?”

“We’re going to fuck up occasionally, Dillon. We’re only human, and well, you’re you.” My lips twitch, but I fight the urge to laugh. “And I’m me. We’re going to argue and not see eye to eye on things, and that’s okay as long as we communicate. I was wrong not to tell you. I should’ve realized it would remind you of the past and cause you to doubt us.” He loosens his hold on my hair, and I lift my head, resting my hands on his shoulders. “I just wanted to do something big. You have done so much for me, and I wanted to give something back. I wanted to see the shock and excitement on your face when we showed up.”

“We’ll do better next time we reach a stumbling block.”

“We will because you’re stuck with me, in a confined space, for the next seven months.” In a way, I’m glad this happened. It has reminded us of what’s important and shown us we are not infallible. We have worked hard to get to this point, but that doesn’t mean it will be smooth sailing going forward. All relationships require effort and investment. What matters is that we love each other and we’re committed to making this work, and that is half the battle.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance