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He shrugs, and concern spreads across Vivien’s face. “You can tell me what you’re feeling. Whatever you have to say, you won’t upset me or Uncle Dillon.”

His hands wrap around his cup as he stares at his mum. “You used to kiss my daddy, and now you kiss Uncle Dillon. Does that mean you don’t love my daddy anymore?”

Fuck. The poor little kid. I wonder if this is why he was acting out yesterday, and I wish I knew what thoughts were troubling his mind so I could put him at ease.

“I will always love your daddy, Easton.” Tears cling to her lashes, and her voice sounds choked up. “Always. I loved Reeve my whole life, and just because he’s in heaven now, it doesn’t mean I don’t love him anymore. You still love him, right?”

He nods.

“And you love Uncle Dillon too,” she prompts.

He nods again, and my heart soars.

“So, it’s like that for me. I love your daddy, and I love Uncle Dillon. Does that make sense?”

“Yes.” He’s nodding again as he turns to me. Tears glisten in his eyes, and his lower lip wobbles. “Are you going to leave me too?”

Pain sits on my chest, making breathing difficult. Taking his half-empty cup, I hand it to Viv, pulling him up onto my lap. “You know I work in the band and that I have to go on tour in January, but I will come back. I will never willingly leave you or your mommy.” East needs to be reassured, but I don’t want to lie to him either. No one can give him a rock-solid guarantee. What happened to Reeve was tragic, and tragedies can’t be predicted.

“Promise?” he whispers.

“I promise,” I say, telling him straight from my heart, hoping I never have to break that promise.

“Pinky swear.” He holds out his little finger, and I don’t know if my heart can withstand this.

But his expectant little face tells me everything. He needs this, and I won’t deny him this reassurance. I curl my little finger around his, almost choking on the words as I say them. “Pinky promise.”

A sob cuts through the air, and when I look at Viv, she’s crying. “Come here.” Keeping Easton on my lap, I stretch my arm out for her, pulling her into my side. Viv’s arms go around Easton and me, and I kiss both their brows, holding them close and silently vowing to do everything in my power to ensure I am always there for them. Even if it means severing ties with the band because right now there is no way in hell I can step on that plane in January and leave them behind.

* * *

“I want pizza!” Easton yells. “Pepperoni pizza and lots and lots of cheese!” We are on our way back after a fun-filled day, and we are all starving, so I suggested we head out for dinner. The three hours Easton spent racing around the indoor jungle gym, after our hike, hasn’t dented his energy much, and he’s bouncing in his seat, salivating at the prospect of pizza.

“Pizza it is,” I say, knowing the perfect place. It’s en route to my house and a little off the beaten track so we shouldn’t be spotted. Viv is still paranoid about the media finding out about us, but we won’t be able to evade them for long. Especially now she’s going out and about again. Anyway, the band and I have eaten here a bunch of times, and nothing has ever appeared in the press, so it’s a safe place.

I pull up to the curb in front of the family-run Italian restaurant and kill the car. Leon pulls up behind us, and I salute him through the mirror. They will wait outside and keep a lookout for paparazzi. After opening Vivien’s door, I get Easton out of his seat and lift him onto the path. I grab both their hands, and we head inside.

Marco gives us my usual table at the back, and we have a lovely meal, filled with good food, good wine, and lots of laughter, and I wish every day could be like this.

“You look happy,” Viv murmurs while we watch Easton shoveling ice cream into his mouth with one hand and coloring with the other.

“I am deliriously happy.” I tuck her into my side and kiss her softly. “I love spending time with both of you, and Easton took the news better than I expected.”

“He did. I’m pleased.” She rubs her nose against mine, and her eyes are full of love as she props her chin on my shoulder. “Will you stay over tonight?” Her gaze glitters with unspoken promise, and my cock instantly hardens at the thought of what might be on the agenda.

I nip at her earlobe. “I will if you make it worth my while.” I waggle my brows, and she shoves at me.

“Asshole,” she mouths.

I reel her back into my side. “You know I’m joking.” I press a lingering kiss to her temple. “Kind of.”

* * *

Easton falls asleep in the car on the way back to Vivien’s house. He’s knackered after an action-packed day. We put him to bed together, carefully removing his clothes so as not to wake him. We stand silently by his bed, our fingers threaded together, both of us staring at this amazing little boy who is a piece of me and a piece of Vivien. My heart is so full it feels like it could burst.

Vivien leads me out of the room, softly closing the door. I expect her to turn right, to head downstairs, but she turns left, toward the guest bedroom I’ve commandeered as my own. Viv even had it redecorated in more manly shades of gray and blue. “What’s going on, Hollywood?” I ask as she pulls me into the room and closes the door.

Her eyes flare with need as she pushes me back against the wall. “I can’t wait any longer. I need you.”

Hallelujah starts playing in my head and ringing in my ears. “Are you sure, because once we make this move, I’ll be all over you. I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself if I’m inside you again. So, choose your next words very carefully, Hollywood.” I’m like a starving man who’s been wasting away on a diet and the second he drops the discipline he goes wild, eating everything in sight.

If Vivien gives me the green light, I’ll devour her and make no apologies for it.

She leans in, grazing her teeth along the column of my neck. “I’m all in, Dillon. I want you so fucking bad it feels like I might explode.” Her fingers trail through the stubble on my cheeks, and she pushes her thumb into my mouth. Rabid hunger blazes from her eyes as she stares at me. “Fuck me, Dillon. Make me yours forever.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance