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I still miss Ash. So fucking much. She’s the band’s manager, and I’m sensing she might have been behind the change in name. She always thought Toxic Gods was a shit name for a band, but I felt it suited them.

Pictures of her are everywhere, and she travels with the band full-time, just like she told me she would. Her relationship with Jamie seems solid too. News of their engagement was splashed all over social media last year. Ronan had a baby with his Irish girlfriend a few months ago, and, apparently, they are getting married soon. Dillon and Conor are regularly pictured with different women on their arms, and rumors suggest Dillon has an alcohol problem. That pained me to hear, and I wonder who is looking after him. I know Ash must be trying, but she’s got her own life to lead, and she can’t babysit her brother forever.

I’m not on social media much, having learned that lesson the hard way years ago, but Audrey fills me in on shit she thinks I need to know.

“I wish I could be there with you.”

“Me too. We need to plan a vacation soon before I get too big to fit into a plane.”

She rolls her eyes. “Always with the drama.”

We chat about her job, Alex’s desire to start a family as soon as she graduates, and her creep of a stepdad before she has to go. She wishes me luck at the ceremony tomorrow night, and before we hang up, I promise to message her if anything happens.

“Mommy!” Easton comes bursting into my room. “I found more worms.” He holds up a jar of wriggly, writhing creatures, and I clamp my lips shut, rubbing my stomach to ward off my shivers. Ugh. Any kind of wriggly creepy-crawly makes me shudder.

Reeve chuckles, sauntering into the room, looking hotter than sin in his jeans and tight-fitting Henley. “Buddy, what have I told you about bursting into Mom’s office without knocking?” He ruffles his hair before bending down to kiss me, grabbing a sneaky feel of my ass. “You look beautiful, my love. Pregnancy really suits you. I should knock you up more often.”

“I’ll take that under advisement,” I semi-joke.

“What does knock you up mean?” Easton asks. His big blue eyes bounce between me and Reeve.

“This one’s on you, babe.” I cross my arms and smirk at my husband, wondering how he’s going to explain this to our inquisitive son.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance