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Staring into Reeve’s handsome face, being back in L.A. with him, I realize I’ve really missed him too.

“Do you think you can ever forgive me?”

I circle my hands around his wrists. “I already have.” He arches a brow, looking shocked. “I needed to forgive you to heal. I saw a therapist in Ireland, and she helped me to that realization. I know you didn’t intentionally set out to hurt me, Reeve. I’m angry you made so many stupid decisions. I’m mad you turned to drugs and that bitch instead of me, but hearing your explanation helps me to understand it a little better.”

He moves to kiss me, and I jerk back out of his hold, raising a hand. “That doesn’t magically solve everything. You still betrayed me, and that’s not something I can forget in a hurry. Earning my trust again will not be easy, and I can’t promise you anything, Reeve. You don’t own my full heart anymore, and I’m a bit of a hot mess now, in case you didn’t notice.”

“I know I have a lot to do to prove my intentions are true. I need to work hard to regain your trust, but I’m going to do it. I’ve already set things in motion, and I won’t stop until I’ve got you back.” He closes the gap between us again, gently pulling me into his arms. “I can’t exist in this world without you, Vivien Grace Mills. I’ve tried, and it’s not worth living if you aren’t there by my side.”

Romantic Reeve may yet be the death of me.

My tummy rumbles, saving my bacon.

“You must be tired, and you’re clearly hungry. Sit. Let me make you something to eat.”

“I got some sleep on the plane, but I didn’t eat much.” I couldn’t stomach food, but I feel like I could eat now. “I need to stay awake to reset my body clock,” I say, stifling a yawn. “That will be challenging.”

I randomly scroll through the TV, flicking through channels, while Reeve putters around in the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, we are enjoying gorgeous spicy chicken wraps from the decent-sized balcony off to one side of his apartment. My nostrils twitch, and I soak up the sun and the hint of salty sea air. “California sun, oh, how I’ve missed you.” I lean back in my chair, patting my full stomach.

“Youarelooking a little pasty,” Reeve quips, and I flip him the bird. “I’m really glad you’re home,” he quietly adds, his adoring gaze raking over me. “You look good, Viv.”

“I am good.” It’s not really a lie. Setting my newly rebroken heart aside, I am in a good place.

“I love seeing you here. I knew when I was buying this place you’d love it. And wait until you see the properties I’ve earmarked for our forever house. They will blow your mind. Did you even look at the architect plans before you returned your birthday gift?” The words fly from his mouth with urgency.

“Reeve, enough with the heavy. Please. I’ve had the most horrendous forty-eight hours. Can’t we just chat and catch up?”

His crestfallen face confirms he’s disappointed, but surely, he can’t expect me to get off the plane and fall straight back into his arms?

“I know I’m getting carried away, but I’ve been waiting for a chance to start making it up to you for months, and I’m a little anxious.”

It’s hard to remain immune to those words. “I understand, and I like that you’re trying to make amends. It reminds me you’re still you, but I just got off a plane, Reeve, and I’m tired and emotional.”

“Of course. I won’t overburden you, but I do need to fill you in on the Bianca, Cassidy, Saffron situation, as well as what I’ve been doing this summer.”

“So, fill me in.” I drink some of my sparkling water.

“I know your parents hired a PI to find those girls who attacked you, but he was making no leeway. I found a guy who specializes in these kinds of investigations, and I worked closely with him until we had enough paperwork to tie most everything to Bianca and Cassidy.”

I remember Audrey mentioning this guy too. “Not Saffron?”

“She was most definitely involved, but I can’t go after her without hard evidence, and we don’t have that yet. She’s a sneaky bitch. She got others to do her dirty work, so there’s no footprint. I’ve spoken to the assistant director she was dating, and he’s pretty sure she sabotaged the footage the night before our prom, but he has no way of proving it. He actually dumped her after that though she pretended she was the one who ended things.”

“They were behind all of it?”

He bobs his head. “According to Cassidy, it was Saffron who suggested you be shoved in a corner at my premiere.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Something I wasn’t aware of, by the way, until your father ripped me a new one the next day. Cassidy made it happen. You already know Bianca was the one who hired a hacker to hack your computer, but now she’s insisting it was Cassidy’s idea. They didn’t just remove your post though. They connected to your cell via your laptop and planted tracking software on it.”

“Those fucking bitches! I can’t believe the nerve of them, or actually, I can. Nothing should surprise me anymore.” I shake my head, shocked, angry, and relieved that Reeve is getting to the bottom of everything they did to me. To us. “That’s how Bianca knew where I was the day she accosted me at the café.” I sit up straighter. “So, it was Bianca who set those fans on me?”

He shakes his head. “I think that was Saffron too. Bianca said she provided details of your location, but she claims she had no idea what Saffron was planning.”

A likely story.

“Did you find those girls? If one of them testifies against her, we can get Saffron that way, right?”

“They are still in hiding, but my guy will keep looking for them. Like I said, it’s hard to prove Saffron’s part, but we have indisputable evidence of Cassidy’s and Bianca’s wrongdoings. I went to the studio and showed them everything. Cassidy’s been fired, and her name is dirt in the industry. I have filed a Class A lawsuit against Bianca. That’s mainly the angle I’ve been working all summer. I figured I couldn’t be the only client she has done this to. I visited some of her other clients, and we discovered proof of shit she’d done to them too.” A satisfied smile slips over his mouth. “She is done in this business. She has lost all of her clients and every shred of respect. By the time we are through with her, she will only have the clothes on her back.”

“Wow. I knew she was a piece of shit, but that is truly disgusting. I’m glad those two got what they deserve, but I hate we can’t pin anything on Saffron.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance