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“What has gotten into you today?” I ask Dillon, ten minutes later, as I tend to his injuries in the main bathroom. My man is shirtless, sitting on the closed toilet seat, with me in between his legs attempting to clean him up. We left Ash downstairs to explain the mess she made to the family. I have no clue what she’s going to tell her parents, but I doubt it’ll be the full truth.

“I’m not sorry I beat that shithead’s ass.” He winces as I clean the cut on his lip. “Just sorry you had to see it.” He grabs my wrist, stalling my movements. “I don’t know why you’re with me when we both know I’m not good enough for you.”

“I know nothing of the sort.”

He looks at me with such vulnerability I almost cry. “Hey.” I wrap one arm around him, holding him gently to my chest. “I’m with you because you’re an amazing person. You’re talented, sweet, sexy, funny, caring, thoughtful, and you make me happy.”

“Do you really mean that?” he asks, rubbing circles on the inside of my wrist with his thumb.

“I do, Dil.” I press a kiss to his head.

Silence engulfs us for a few beats. “I’m also moody, short-tempered, and an angry bastard a lot of the time. I definitely curse too much. And I should probably go easier on the beer and the weed.”

“You forget reckless and a rule-breaker,” I tease, smoothing a hand up and down his back.

“Those too. And that’s exactly it. You deserve so much better than me. I’m not worthy of you, Viv.”

His self-deprecation is killing me. Why can’t he see the things I see in him? Why doesn’t he see himself the way his family does? Ash would tie herself to a stake for Dillon, and I’m pretty sure his mom would walk over hot coals for him. Ruffling his hair, I kneel in front of him. “Dillon. Please don’t do this. I’m with you because I want to be with you. I like all the different sides of you, and no one is without flaws. Not even me,” I joke, desperately wanting to lighten the moment.

“You’re perfect,” he murmurs, bending down to kiss me. “I know I made a joke of it outside, but you standing up for me to him meant everything.” A familiar smirk appears on his face along with those cute dimples I love, and I silently rejoice. “Itdidalso turn me on.” Taking my hand, he places it on his crotch, waggling his brows.

“No more sex until we get home,” I warn, standing and grabbing the washcloth.

* * *

“What now?” Dillon asks, sighing wearily as we step foot in the hallway. I have cleaned up his lip, put an ice pack on his eye, and applied arnica cream to the faint bruising on one cheek. Soft cries filter out from the living room, and we walk inside, hand in hand, wondering what drama is unfolding now. Surely Ash didn’t tell them she was fucking Cillian outside? “What’s wrong?” Dillon casts worried glances around the room.

“The bridesmaids’ dresses have gone missing in the post, and the designer can’t ship new ones in time,” Cath explains.

The wedding is only a few weeks away, so I feel Fiona’s pain, and maybe I can do something about it. “Does anyone have a picture of the dress?” I ask.

“I do.” Ash pulls out her phone. Her eyes light up as she passes it to me, and I know she knows where I’m going with this.

I examine the pretty knee-length strapless silk and chiffon dress in jade green. It would be easy to make, and I can rustle them up in next to no time now I have zero commitments. I hand the cell back to Ash, trading a conspiratorial smile with my Irish bestie, before I face the bride. “I can make replicas of that dress, no problem. How many do you need?”

“What?” Fiona splutters, turning around in Shane’s arms, pinning me with red-rimmed swollen eyes.

“Vivien has offered to make the dresses for you, love.” Cath pats her back while beaming at me.

“You can do that?” Fiona asks in a shaky voice.

“Of course, she can. I showed you our dresses from the ball. Viv made both,” Ash proudly explains. “These are simple in comparison.”

“They are,” I reassure her. “And now my exams are finished, I have plenty of time to make them before the wedding.”

“Oh my God.” Fiona rushes toward me, yanking me out of Dillon’s arms and squeezing me to death.

“Eh, Fi. You might want to let Vivien breathe, or she won’t live long enough to make your dresses.” Shane appears behind his fiancée. “Thank you,” he tells me.

“It’s my pleasure.”

Fiona gives me the measurements for her sister and Ash, who are the only bridesmaids, and little Chloe’s measurements. They try to give me money for supplies, but I won’t hear of it. “Consider it my wedding gift to you.”

Dillon hauls me back against his chest, almost smothering me like his soon-to-be sister-in-law. “That was unbelievably generous. Thank you so much. I’m in awe of you.” Before I can respond, he kisses me passionately, holding me tight in his arms, surrounding me with his love. When we break our lip-lock, he doesn’t let go, his protective arms keeping me close to his chest. Cath smiles at us, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder.

We leave a short while later. Ro isn’t coming back to the city as he has to stay home to study. His Leaving Certificate exams are only eight days away, and his parents are refusing to let him play with the band until after the exams are over. The second we pull away from the house, Dillon levels Ash with a fierce look through the mirror. “Start talking.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance