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We drink shots of tequila and dirty dance in the crowd, kissing and groping one another, while drunken revelers party hard around us. By the end of the night, bodies litter the ground and groups of disheveled students sit on the grass outside tents, smoking, drinking, and laughing.

The night is still young though, by Trinity Ball standards, and many attendees start wandering off to parties while others stay put, content to wait a few hours for the pubs to open. According to Ronan’s girlfriend, some students party hard from the day before the ball to the day after, and it’s not unusual to spot students in ballgowns and tuxes in pubs across the city.

“What do you want to do?” Dillon asks, breathing tequila fumes across my face.

“Ride your cock like a porn star all night long,” I reply without hesitation.

“And the prude has left the house!” Jamie pipes up, looking highly amused. I flip him the bird, and he cranks out a laugh.

Ash spits her beer all over the path. “TMI, Viv. Holy fuck. I didnotneed to hear that. Please, someone scrub my ears out.” Jamie whispers something in her ear, and she levels him with a glare. Dillon watches the interaction with a muscle popping in his jaw.

“Dil.” I tug on his sleeve, dragging his gaze away. “What are we doing?”

He clasps both sides of my face. “You’re sure you want to do this with me tonight?”

“One hundred percent.”

He stabs me with an intense look I feel all the way to my core. “C’mon, then. Let’s get out of here.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance