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My arm flies out, and I grab Ash’s elbow before she takes a tumble. She snort-laughs, and I grin as I loop my arm through hers. “I told you, you should’ve drank more water at dinner.” Ash and I finished the bottle of champagne before the hair and makeup people arrived at our place. Then we sipped vodka while they were dolling us up. We were giddy as fuck as we climbed into a taxi that took us to the campus where we traveled between a few different pre-ball parties. By the time dinner was served, my head was spinning a little and I felt a teeny bit nauseated, so I purposely switched to water and shoveled food in my mouth to line my stomach. It worked, and now I’m a hell of a lot more sober than my friend.

I want to be in full control and look my absolute best when I see Dillon and tell him I’m ready to fuck his brains out. We haven’t seen the guys yet because they’re busy getting things set up for their performance. Toxic Gods is one of the first acts on stage, so they’ll be able to join us for the remainder of the night, and I’m already on a countdown.

“Water is for pussies,” Cat says, giggling. “It’s the Trinners ball! That means we need to get fucking wasted.”

“Amen, sister.” Ash raises her fist for a knuckle touch, and I think I’ll have my work cut out with these two tonight.

Wandering into a tent, we grab some drinks before making our way back outside. Dillon and Jamie are a few feet in front of us, glancing anxiously around the packed space. “Dillon!” I holler, tugging Cat and Ash with me as I head in their direction. A few others in our group trail behind us.

Dillon spins around, and the look on his face is almost comical. His jaw drops to the floor, and heat scorches a blazing trail across my flesh as he drags his hungry gaze slowly up and down my body. I know I look good. The blue satin dress turned out exactly how I wanted it to, and I’m flashing plenty of leg, which I knew Dil would like. Soft bouncy curls cascade over my shoulders, complementing my smoky eyes and nude lips.

Dillon stalks toward me, his nostrils flaring, desire evident in his dark eyes. Without saying a word, he reels me into his arms, claiming my lips in a possessive kiss that has my ovaries swooning and tripping over themselves. When he dips me down low, without breaking our lip-lock, I swear I hear a collective sigh from the women around me. “Damn, Hollywood. You look beautiful,” he purrs in my ear, as he straightens us up. “Are you trying to get me arrested for indecency because right now I’m having a hard time not dragging you behind one of those tents to fuck.” He bites my earlobe, before nuzzling his head into my shoulder.

I purposely let his comment slide. If I respond, there’s a strong chance I’ll let him drag us back there and have his wicked way with me. “You like my dress?” I ask, biting my lip and smiling coyly at him.

“Yes. It’s stunning, like you,” he growls, sliding his hand under the slit in the skirt and stroking my thigh. “Easy access.” He winks. “Me likey a lot.”

“You have sex on the brain,” I tease, grasping his shoulders.

He arches a brow, smirking. “Haven’t we had this conversation before?”

“We have.” I stretch up on my heels, pressing my mouth to his ear. “I’m ready,” I whisper in my most seductive tone. “Later, I say we ditch the after-parties, go back to my place, and fuck for the rest of the night.”

His hands move to my hips, and he yanks me against him, grinding his pelvis into my stomach. “There’s your answer.” His expression softens and turns more serious. Twisting one hand in my hair, he tilts my face up. “Are you sure?” I bob my head. His eyes probe mine carefully. “I wasn’t expecting this reaction. I thought you might be upset tonight.”

“Ash told you.”

“She did.” He plants a feather-soft kiss on my brow, and I melt against him. “Are you okay?”

“I am now.”

His eyes drill into mine. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” he murmurs, smiling a little. “We don’t have to bang tonight. In fact, I’d rather we didn’t if it’s a knee-jerk reaction to your dickhead ex.” He pecks my lips briefly. “And for the record, heisa dickhead, but it’s lucky for me. His loss is definitely my gain.”

“I’m glad you think so.” Holding his arm, I peer deep into his eyes. I want Dillon to understand this is only about me and him. “I had already decided this morning that I want to take our relationship to the next level. What Reeve has done doesn’t change how I feel about you. Reeve is my ex for a reason. He’s in the past. I prefer to exist in the here and now. With you.”

His kiss this time is unhurried, slow, and passionate, and I know I’ve made the right decision. I’m glad I worked all the anger and hurt out of my system earlier. That I used the time getting ready to wrangle those emotions into a lockbox. Reeve only has the power to hurt me and ruin my life if I give him that power, and I refuse to do that anymore. Tonight is proof I have wrested back control. I’m having a good time, and the night is only getting started.

We move closer to the stage right before Toxic Gods appears, screaming and whistling encouragement as they play a medley of five songs. The crowd is appreciative, and it’s so weird to see people in ball gowns and tuxedos rocking it out on the grass. I’m happy there are no groupies in sight, which eliminates any lingering stress. I thought for sure Jamie would’ve gotten tickets for Aoife and the others. But, if the looks he was throwing Ash’s way earlier are any indication, he has ulterior motives. Ash swears she’s not going near him, but I can see it happening. The attraction between them may not be as palpable as it is between Dillon and me, but it’s there. I’m not going to judge; I just worry about Ash getting hurt, but she’s a grown-ass woman, capable of making her own choices.

“Miss me?” Strong arms wrap around me from behind a while later, and the spicy scent of Dillon’s cologne tickles my nose.

“So much,” I say, turning in his arms. Opening my mouth to congratulate him on his performance, I let the words die on my tongue when I see him in a tuxedo. He was wearing his usual black jeans and T-shirt combo on stage. He didn’t attend dinner, so there really was no need to rent a tux. I know he did this for me, and I fall a little harder in this second. “Wow,” I choke out, “you look so fucking hot.” He really does. He managed to wrangle his messy blond waves back off his face, and his jawline is smooth for a change. He’s still got his piercings in, and the edges of his tattoos creep out from under the sleeves of his jacket, but he looks handsome and sophisticated.

And so very mine.

Producing a long-stem white rose from behind his back, he hands it to me. “For the most beautiful girl at the ball.” My nose brushes against the soft petals, and I breathe in their delicate scent. “White roses represent new beginnings and rebirth,” he explains, offering me his hand. “Will you be my new beginning? And can I be yours?”

Be still my beating heart. This man slays me in all the best ways.

Ash makes a gagging sound, but I ignore her, taking Dillon’s hand and beaming up at him. Our gazes connect, and a zap of electricity shoots up my arm the second our skin touches. My chest heaves as I stare into his beautiful face, and butterflies swoop into my belly, turning somersaults. My heart swells, soaring to dizzy heights the longer we just stand there staring, lost in an intimate moment, despite the noise surrounding us.

A flash pops, and we both turn sideways. “You are sickeningly cute. Mum said I was to take pictures, so get in closer,” Ash says with a happy smile on her face. We pose for several pictures, with our arms wrapped around one another, and I make her send them to me so I can forward them to Audrey and my parents.

Dillon leads me over to a quiet corner, handing me a badly wrapped pink package. “Happy birthday, Viv.” He kisses me sweetly, and my cheeks are flushed when we break apart.

“You didn’t have to get me anything.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance