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“They are so adorable,” Ash says, regaling Cat with details of my and Dillon’s escapades this week. “Seeing Dil like this makes me so unbelievably happy. Who knew he was such a closet romantic?”

Ash came back Sunday night to discover us curled against one another on the couch whileBohemian Rhapsodyplayed on the TV. Remnants of the chicken pasta dinner Dillon cooked were left in the kitchen, along with the empty ice cream carton and wine bottle.

“Your brother is very romantic,” I agree with the biggest smile on my face.

We’ve been pretty much inseparable since Sunday except for during the day when I have school and Dillon is doing whatever aspiring rock-stars-slash-songwriters do. He showed up outside Trinity on Monday, holding a bunch of lilies and asking me to dinner. Tuesday, he took me to this little boutique movie theater to seeBreakfast at Tiffany’s. On Wednesday, we worked out together in the gym in my building before he and Ash cooked their mom’s special chicken curry. Then last night, we took off on his motorcycle for Trim Castle, a historical three-storied keep that was featured in theBraveheartmovie.

I’m learning Dillon is fascinated with the past, and he appears to have a huge knowledge of Irish history. He told me he’d considered studying history at Trinity, but he hates being cooped up indoors, and he doesn’t think the structure would suit him, so he chose not to go to college and to focus on the band instead.

The more layers I’m uncovering, the more I’m intrigued. He is nothing like I first expected him to be and everything I never saw coming. While he is different from the prickly, rude guy I initially met, he still has little moments where that brash, obnoxious side of his personality rears its head.

I haven’t had any other meltdowns since Sunday, but I know that’s partly because I’m busy, and when I’m with Dillon, there is no room to think about Reeve or the confusing emotions still swirling around my brain when I’m not quick enough to shut them out.

“Aoife looks like she wants to gouge your eyeballs out with toothpicks,” Cat murmurs, bringing me back to the present. I look in Aoife’s direction, and sure enough, she’s glaring at me with unconcealed venom. When Dillon was here earlier, she was all smiles and sweetness, but the second the guys moved to the main event room, she stabbed me with the full extent of her jealousy. During the guys’ set, we stayed well clear of her, and I’ll be grateful when Dillon reappears as her clear resentment has me on edge.

“Should I be worried? And does she go to Trinners, or does she just hang around Jamie there all the time?” I ask, needing to understand how big of a threat she poses.

“She isn’t a student. She works full-time in Dunnes.” Dunnes Stores is a leading Irish grocery chain. “I’d watch my back if I was you,” Ash adds. “But she’ll probably just switch her attention full-time to Jamie now.”

“I’m sorry.” I know Ash is staying away from Jamie, but that doesn’t mean he’s not occupying real estate in her head.

“Thank fuck.” Ash sighs, glancing over my shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” Dillon asks, and I whip my head around, grinning as our gazes connect.

“Your ex-fuck-buddy over there didn’t get the memo you’re off the market. She’s been sending daggers at Viv all night.”

Dillon lifts me out of my chair, frowning. “I didn’t see anything, and I’ve been watching.” Sinking down on the seat, he pulls me into his lap. His arms band around me, and he brushes my hair to one side, pressing a kiss to my neck. I lean back against him, my chest humming in satisfaction as I melt into his arms.

“She’s only doing it when you’re not around, dumbass.” Ash rolls her eyes. “Honestly, men are so fucking thick. Of course, her claws aren’t going to come out in front of you! She wants you to think she’s all sweetness and light. I expect she’s biding her time, waiting for you to return to her skanky ass.”

“Ash.” Dillon’s tone contains censure. “You shouldn’t call her that.”

“Why not? If the cap fits,” Ash retorts, gulping back a mouthful of beer.

“Weren’t you the one who lectured me about not labeling women who enjoy casual sex as sluts?”

“Groupies are different. It’s not that I have an issue with her sleeping with multiple guys, or even multiple guys at the same time”—she drills him with a pointed look, referencing the threesome she saw him having with Jamie and Aoife—"it’s the fact she has an agenda. Aoife has dollar signs behind her eyes. She sees you as her ticket out of here. That’s why I called her a skank.”

“Fair enough,” Dillon concedes, nodding. “It’s not like I don’t know that, and I’m done with her now anyway, so it doesn’t matter.” He turns my face slightly, pressing his mouth to my ear. “I don’t care about Aoife unless she’s making you uncomfortable. Is she?”

“She is.” I look him straight in the eye. “Her nasty looks are forcing me to relive my past. I know I’m probably more sensitive than most, but I agree with Ash. She has an agenda, and I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire.”

“I’ll talk to her and make sure she cuts it out. Next time, you need to tell me. If anyone pulls any crap, you come straight to me, and I’ll handle it, okay?” I nod. “I won’t let anyone disrespect you.” Resituating me on his lap so we’re face to face, he drills me with a solemn look, and I get the unspoken message—He’s not Reeve, and he won’t let his groupies treat me like shit.

A layer of stress lifts from my shoulders. “Thank you.”

He cups my cheek. “Show me how grateful you are?” His eyes shimmer suggestively, and I need no further encouragement.

All week, we’ve been kissing and making out like demons, and I’m on the verge of spontaneous sexual combustion. A few of our sessions have grown very heated, and there’s been plenty of groping over clothes, but we haven’t taken it further, and he hasn’t put any pressure on me. Dillon is letting me set the pace, like he promised. I’m growing more and more relaxed with him and finding fewer and fewer reasons to hold back from taking our relationship to the next level.

Tired of waiting for me to show him, Dillon grabs my face and slams his lips to mine. My arms snake around his neck, and I angle my head, opening my lips to welcome his skillful tongue. The small circular ball of his ring gently scrapes against my tongue, and I can’t help imagining what it would feel like if he went down on me. That thought heightens my arousal and elevates the anticipation every time we kiss, and this is no different.

He kisses me deeply and passionately, uncaring we have an audience, until all my worries have flittered away.

“Get a room!” Ro shouts, and we reluctantly break apart.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance