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“You’re sexy with a body to die for. I’m a horny twenty-year-old man with sex on the brain twenty-four-seven.Of course, I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you so hard you’ll be feeling my cock inside you for days. But—” He grips my chin, forcing my eyes to his. “Listen up, Hollywood. This is the important part.” I narrow my eyes to slits, glaring at him, but he just chuckles. “I also want to get to know you. Ilikebeing around you.” His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat. “Your presence calms me, and I just want to spend time with you.”

Ash fails at her attempt to disguise her snort of laughter. I dig my elbow into her ribs and stomp on her foot, hoping she gets the message and butts out.

Dillon blows out a breath before draining the rest of his beer.

My expression softens, matching my insides. Gingerly, I touch his bare arm. His skin is warm to the touch as my fingers stroke the dark hairs coating his muscular arm. Every part of Dillon is gorgeous, but his arm porn is to die for. Shaking myself out of my lustful thoughts, I lift my head, finding his intense gaze waiting for me. Our eyes lock, and our surroundings fade. My heart thumps against my chest cavity, and butterflies swoop into my belly. “I know that was hard for you to say,” I rasp, struggling to speak with the heated way he’s staring at me.

“It was. This isn’t me. I have no clue what I’m doing.” He barks out a bitter laugh. “But I’d like to try.”

“What exactly are you saying?”

“Go out with me?”

“Like, on a date?”

He nods.

Wiping my clammy hands down the front of my jeans, I remind myself I’m strong and brave. I’ve promised myself I’m going to go with the flow and see where things take me, so this isn’t difficult to concede. “Okay.”

His eyes light up. “Yeah?”

I smile, hoping I won’t regret this. “Yeah. I’ll go out with you.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance