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“You did?” Audrey squeezes my shoulders. “Good for you, babe.”

“I was planning on telling you,” I admit, giving Ash the stink eye, “but it wasn’t really a kiss.”

“Their lips were pressed together, and he had his handsallover her,” Ash confides, and I glare at her disloyal ass. “I’d call that a kiss.”

“Same,” Cat agrees, chiming in.

“I was stoned!” I blurt.

“Excuses, excuses.” Audrey fails to disguise her grin.

“He irritates the fuck out of me most of the time!” I protest.

“Passionate.” Audrey waggles her brows. “Tell me more.”

“You’ll get to meet both my brothers tomorrow,” Ash says. “They’re playing a set in Whelans. There’ll be music all day and night, and the drink will be flowing.”

“You’ll be off your tits by six o’clock,” Cat supplies.

“I’ve always wanted to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day in Ireland,” Audrey says. “This is going to be so much fun!”

* * *

“So, what’s going on with you and the sexy Irish rocker?” Audrey asks the following morning as we lie side by side in my bed.

“Nothing much.” I scrunch the comforter between my fingers. “The kiss really was a non-kiss. He’d only just placed his lips against mine when Ash interrupted.”

“And that was a good thing…or not?” she inquires, sliding her hand under her long red hair.

I eyeball my bestie. “I don’t know.” I worry my lower lip between my teeth. “It scares me.”

“Dillon does or the thought of what he represents?” she quietly asks.

I contemplate her question for a few seconds. “Both, I think. He makes me feel things, Rey. Things I can’t handle yet. The chemistry between us intimidates me, and I’m terrified that if I let him in, he’ll destroy whatever is left of my heart.” Tucking my hands under my head, I share my truths with my bestie. “I didn’t come here to find another man. I came here to find myself.”

“Can’t it be both?”

“I don’t want to complicate an already complicated situation, and I can’t risk my heart again. It’s still in desperate need of repair.”

“I’m going to be honest, because that’s how we always roll.” She leans over and hugs me. “I love you like a sister. You know that, right?”

“Yes, and you know that’s how I feel too.”

“I just want you to be happy, whether that’s single, reunited with Reeve, with Dillon, or some other guy.”

“Why would you say that about Reeve? You know I—”

“I’m not telling you what to do, Viv, or putting ideas in your head.”

“What are you saying then?”

“That you have options, and I will always support your decisions. I’ve been talking more regularly with Alex,” she admits, and my eyes pop wide. “Just as friends,” she rushes to assure me. “I’m still seeing Troy, and Alex is casually dating. But he’s told me Reeve has reached out to him, and he’s making amends, putting more effort into their friendship. Alex said Reeve is missing you like crazy and he’s seen the error of his ways. He wants to fight for you, but he’s giving you space like you asked.”

“I’m not getting back with him.” I shake my head. “He betrayed me. The trust is gone.”

“I know, babe.” She props up on one elbow. “You feel like that now, but I speak from experience when I say you don’t know how you’ll feel in six months’ time, one year’s time, or two years from now.”

“No offense, Rey, but you can’t compare your breakup to mine.” I sit upright in the bed, resting my spine against the headboard. “Alex didn’t cheat on you in front of the whole world. That’s the big difference.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance