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“I’m guessing that means everyone will be coming along?” Cliff asked, and the thought of everyone seeing her in this haphazard state sent a shiver down her spine, she found herself seeking out Cliff's hand.

“Naw, they’ll wait until tomorrow. But be prepared for Amy to go all motherly on you, Alexis.”

She did love Mrs. Connelly. It was hard not to. When Alexis first arrived in Carson, Mrs. Connelly went out of her way to make sure that Alexis found a place to stay and that it felt like home. Those first three days she witnessed what a true family could look like.

“I’m sure I can manage.”

Together they all filed out of the building, Cliff took special care with her as she hobbled due to the shoulder and leg restraint Logan affixed to her body. He slid the passenger seat of his truck as far back as it would go and gestured for her to enter. A whimper escaped her lips as she tried to bend at the hips to get comfortable and Cliff had to pluck her off the ground and settle her in the seat himself.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can rest when we get home.”

Home. Such a novel thought, but Alexis hadn’t called a place home since she was a little girl. Just the prospect of staying in the place that made Cliff feel safest thrilled her. Because if it was good enough for the man that set her blood on fire, then it would be good enough for her.

Chapter Three

It didn’t take long for Alexis’ head to droop as exhaustion claimed her. Cliff tried to keep his eyes on the road, but he failed miserably. His attention was one hundred percent focused on Alexis. It was still early in the evening, Alexis’ surgery lasting through the night, and the brightness of the afternoon drifted behind the mountains surrounding their town, leaving the sky a darkening blue.

As Cliff drove down the road, he noticed people drifted out onto their porches, lights flicked on as he passed, everyone tossed a welcoming wave toward him. This was one of his favorite things about the town, the friendliness everyone provided without question. He wondered how many people knew of Alexis’ return. The lady Busy Bees were infamous for figuring out things in the town that no one else knew. Hell, they knew of his cabin purchase before he had even signed on the dotted line. They were an intel team that Cliff wanted to study and figure out all of their secrets.

The car hit a divot in the road, jostling their bodies back and forth as it settled back on the surface.

Cliff jerked his head toward his passenger, alarm over hurting her surged through his body.

“Sorry,” he murmured as she groaned as she readjusted her body again.

“That’s okay.” She moved again in the seat, her face tightening with each change until she found a more comfortable position. Her eyes skim across the fields on the sides of the road as they ventured further away from Carson’s center. He could tell the moment fright gripped her. What little strength she had stiffened her spine and Alexis’ hand grabbed the handle on the door. Even in the dimness of the vehicle, Cliff could make out the white of her knuckles. Her lack of trust and faith in him was disheartening.

“Don’t worry, we’re not that far out. Logan and Dylan are right behind us,” he pointed out, trying to ease her fear. She nodded once, but her back stayed ram-rod straight. It had been a long time since Cliff felt the desire to put someone at ease, the thought didn’t come naturally to him in most instances, but with Alexis, he had it in spades.

“I can take you somewhere else, Alexis. You don’t have to stay with me.” Cliff didn’t want her to feel unsafe with him – protection was what he wanted to give her. And not just protection from her father. He wanted to protect her from the world for the rest of her days.

His heart raced at the premonition of losing her before he even had her. Turning his gaze back toward the road, Cliff was determined to do what was best for Alexis, even if that meant handing her to someone else. As expected, thoughts of Alexis wrapped in the arms of another had Cliff gripping the steering wheel with such a fierceness he was afraid he’d bend it.

A feather-light touch on his arm jolted his gaze away from the road and onto his body. Alexis’ hand gently rested on his forearm, her thumb rubbing small circles on the dragon scales of his tattoo. Flutters erupted in his chest. In the spot where he was certain his demolished heart had resided years before. Maybe he had been wrong all these years. Maybe his heart was just waiting for the right moment to come alive.

“I want to stay with you. I feel safe with you.”

Cliff nodded once, turning his attention back to the road, expecting his abrupt reaction to turn her away. But as expected, she surprised him. Her small hand continued to rest on his arm. Her palms weren’t delicate or soft, the calluses and rough patches scraped against his skin. Alexis was no meek or mild woman, she could easily hold her own against any man, that Cliff was certain. Which left him wondering what it was about these men and her father that had her spooked.

The cabin came into view in the distance off in the distance and Alexis’ grip on his arm tightened.

“I know this place.”

He tried to act surprised as he asked, “Really?” Of course, she wouldn’t know that he had seen her here before.

“Yeah, when Dylan’s brother-in-law, Austin, was being blackmailed and they asked for my help, I found this path. I ran it almost every day. I always thought that this cabin was adorable. It just needed some tender loving care, you know?”

For some reason, hearing Alexis say something was adorable didn’t fit her personality. She was a ninja-like badass after all, but maybe that was just the persona she showed the world. Cliff couldn’t wait to learn her more feminine side and he was going to do everything in his power to discover more.

“I used to come here to unwind, especially when I had flashbacks from the war and some of the ter

rible things that I’ve seen. Not many people knew that I bought this cabin. I’ve been spending my free time fixing it up. So, it is far from perfect, but it is livable.”

“I’m sure it is great.” He heard voice her change as she smiled, a bit of excitement tingeing each word.

The truck eased into a spot beside the house, Logan and Dylan pulled their vehicles into the open spots beside them. Cliff jumped out of the vehicle and shook his head toward the men as they climbed free from their cars.

“It is okay, guys. I can take her inside and get her settled,” he explained, but both men shook their heads.

Tags: Renee Harless Home in Carson Romance