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“You are my mate,” Kira insisted, holding the prince’s face as she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes to press her lips to his. It wasn’t until she dropped back down onto her feet that she added, “Your pain is my own, and I’m not sure I could forgive myself if I allowed something to happen to your mother knowing I could’ve done something to stop it.”

It appeared that Menion needed no more convincing. He reached for her hips and pulled her flush against him, his jaw tightening as though it was all he could do to control himself. This is going to be a challenge, Drake realized with a small flutter of concern in his stomach. Although he’d promised Kira she would walk out of this experience with her powers intact, he hadn’t accounted for whether his brother and Menion would be able to hold themselves to the same promise.

“Are we all aware of the rules?” Drake asked in the hopes of reminding the two other men of what they had come to accomplish and what they couldn’t allow themselves to do if they were to succeed.

Menion looked deep into Kira’s eyes as he responded, “We do whatever it takes to bring Kira to bliss without risking her virginity.”

Drake didn’t miss the shiver running through the entire length of the oracle’s body, and his own began to have the same reaction. We’re all doomed.

Chapter 11 - Kira

“You are so beautiful,” Menion breathed the compliment as he lifted a hand from her hip to stroke a stray strand of hair from Kira’s face. She could feel Blake and Drake moving in behind her, and for a moment, panic threatened to set in.

“What are we going to use to collect the tears?” she blurted, hoping to postpone the inevitable. Standing there now, she suddenly remembered her vision on the mountainside, and although it felt right, she couldn’t help but feel nervous. After all, she was almost middle-aged, and she’d yet to be with a man. Never before had she allowed a man to even touch her, let alone do what her three mates were planning to do to her.

“Don’t worry about that now,” Drake whispered into her ear as he reached her and began to slide the loose neck of her shift dress down over her shoulder. As he did so, he leaned down and began to trace kisses down the side of her throat and along the back of her bare shoulder. A shiver ran through her at his kiss, and she instinctively tilted her head back.

“We have everything covered,” Blake assured her as he joined his brother at her other shoulder and began to help remove her dress. “You just relax and enjoy yourself.”

When she felt the kisses of both the twins on either side of her neck, all she could do was close her eyes and enjoy the sensation of their warm mouths on her flesh. Her hands tightened into fists in the front of Menion’s shirt and she felt his hands on her hips once more. He pulled her pelvis toward his and it was then that she felt the rock-hard baton that was barely veiled by his leather breeches. A gasp erupted from her throat at the feel of it pressed firmly against her stomach.

“Let us take care of you,” Drake whispered into her ear as her dress dropped from her hips, pooling around her ankles. Menion’s hands took hold of her face and his lips pressed passionately against hers, even as she felt a hand snake around from her back. Blake’s fingertips slipped delicately between her thighs, causing her breath to catch in her throat. He began to rub in circular motions until the pleasure was so intense, Kira had no choice but to open her legs wider. She leaned back into the embrace of the brothers as Blake slipped the tip of a single finger between her slick folds.

Hands glided over her flesh, touching her everywhere until she had no idea whose hands were whose. Hands cupped her breasts, squeezing gently before a gentle pinching sensation alit on her nipples. Menion’s lips traveled from hers, over her chin and down the front of her throat, before beginning to travel further south. His fingers pinched one nipple as he took the other into his mouth, sucking gently at first. The pressure built as he began to suck harder, and he didn’t ease up until she gasped in shock and tried to inch away. Her back came up against the two walls of muscle that were Blake and Drake, and all she could do was drown in their groping and the pleasure that was sending shockwaves throughout her entire body.

Before long, she felt her knees threatening to buckle, and she was relieved when she heard Drake suggest, “Perhaps we should take this to the bed?”

Even before she was able to open her eyes, she felt Blake’s finger slip from her sex. Menion’s hands suddenly gripped her buttocks, pulling her up into his arms. Not one of them ever left her as they began to make their way toward the four-poster bed. Dazed, Kira could only lie back on the plush mattress as Menion placed her gently down on the silken sheets. Cool air washed over her feverish flesh as the three men beat their wings gently all around her. The sudden change in temperature caused her nipples to harden further, and it took little time for the twins to descend upon her. Their mouths kissed and caressed her breasts even as Menion came down between her legs.

In her dazed state, with eyes barely open, she gasped in astonishment as she felt the prince’s warm, wet mouth land between her thighs. His tongue lapped at the sweet nectar that began to gush from her, and she was suddenly unable to hold back the gentle moans that had been stuck in her throat. Hands tickled up and down her ribcage even as mouths continued to suck on her nipples, and a finger slipped gently inside her as Menion’s tongue continued to work her toward an intoxicatingly pleasurable cliff edge. Heart pounding, Kira felt as though she were pinned to the mattress by sheer pleasure. Unable to move, her hands tightened into fists in the sheets.

It wasn’t until she screamed with sheer delight and pleasure that she suddenly realized there was something cold being pressed to her cheek. Still reeling with all the sensations, Kira opened one eye to see Drake smiling down at her. In his hand, he held a small glass vial, which he placed just beneath her eye. For a few seconds, she had no idea what he was doing. Then she felt the warm moisture of tears streaking down the side of her face.

“It…it worked!” she gasped in astonishment, sniffling uncontrollably as she felt the knot of pleasure and happiness so tight in her stomach that crying was the only way to release it.

Blake finally released her breast from his pleasurable onslaught, and Kira breathed a sigh of relief, only to throw her head back once more when she realized that Menion was not allowing her the same respite. Her entire body constricted with a fresh wave of pleasure, and his finger rubbed gently at her insides even as his tongue lapped firmly against her clit. She screamed even louder, and fresh tears streaked down her face.

“Alright, alright, Menion, give her a break,” Drake advised even as he placed a cork in the top of the glass vial. At first, Menion didn’t appear to hear. He seemed all too happy to continue, obviously enjoying the exciting moaning and screaming of the oracle, who felt as though her heart was close to bursting.

“You heard him, Menion! Don’t take it too far!” Blake snapped warningly, his voice sharper and louder than his brother’s, and the prince finally stopped.

Kira opened her eyes to slits, just in time to see Menion push himself up onto his elbows and wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. With a shrug, he said, “Sorry, she just tastes so damn good.”

Kira’s cheeks began to burn red at his compliment, and she realized her entire body was fizzling, itching, needing something more. When Drake held up the vial to show the prince that their plan had worked, Kira was suddenly fearful that it would all be over.

“We did it,” Menion smiled in amazement, taking the vial from Drake so he could examine the clear, sparkling liquid in the vial. “Let’s just hope it works.”

“Menion,” Kira breathed, her heart hammering in her chest as she considered what she was about to say. The prince turned his gaze from the vial to look down at her as if she sensed the need and desire in her voice.

“Yes, beautiful?” he responded, his smile so brilliant that Kira’s mind was made up.

“You are the one who’s done the most research on oracles,” Kira said, gulping past the sudden lump in her throat as she asked, “What do the books say about an oracle’s tears after they’d been collected?”

Chapter 12 - Drake

Drake had a sneaking suspicion that he knew what Kira was getting at, but he waited for Menion to ask, “What do you mean?”

Kira pushed herself up onto her elbows. Naked and spread out as she was, Drake was having a hard time controlling himself. It had been hard enough to stop in time to collect the tears that had begun to streak down her cheek, but now that their task was complete, it was even harder not to lose himself in her beauty and go ahead with all the things he wished to do to her.

Tags: Lyra Atlas Kings of the Fae Islands Paranormal