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I shouldn't want this! She knew she should tell him no. But I want it so badly.

In response she reached up and hooked her fingers together behind his head, urging him down on top of her so that he had little choice.

She had only a moment to brace herself before Theo's stone hard cock entered her. He slipped in slowly at first, testing the water and Fleur gulped, feeling him stretch her wide.

Then he eased off a little, whispering for her to relax before he began to push forward once more.

Fleur gasped as he filled her entirely. The shock brought tears to her eyes and for a moment she tensed up to the point of pain. Theo became stone still, only moving to press his lips to her cheek, her neck, her shoulder.

"I'll be gentle," he promised her, whispering the words in her ear and as if that had been all she needed to hear, her entire body began to relax.

Their bodies melted into each other as their hips began to thrust in unison, aided by the cushioning surface of the sandy beach.

Fleur groaned with pleasure and Theo's own growling moans of excitement caused her to fall over the edge. Her climax came hot and delicious in a series of spasms that made her clench her thighs around his waist. Her fingernails dug into his back but save for a growl, he barely seemed to notice as he continued to pump, urging her on closer and closer to another orgasm.

"This is it," he whispered breathlessly in her ear. "This is what I wanted, what I always want. You!"

There was silence for a few moments as Fleur buried her face in his chest, cutting off her scream of pleasure with his pectoral muscles.

Then Theo's body gave a spasm of its own and he groaned so loudly that it echoed off the cliffs above their head.

Had she not been too dazed by what had happened she might have glanced around just to be sure nobody had seen them. As things stood, she found she no longer cared. In the short time they had been together everything had changed. Nothing mattered save for the man who lay atop her. She lay cocooned beneath him and his magnificent wings, staring up into his glimmering eyes as he finally opened them and gazed down at her.

"And now that you have gotten what you wanted?" she asked, unable to stop herself from breaking the silence. The moment they had finished all her old anxieties suddenly came rushing back. Guilt came along with them, clawing at her stomach. Yet she quickly pushed the feelings away, determined to hold onto the pleasure just a little while longer.

At least her body felt good for the first time in days. Though her stomach growled, her limbs felt light as air, the area between her thighs aching sweetly.

"I only want more," Theo said and he bent to kiss her before rolling onto the sand beside her. He leaned up on his elbow and gazed down at her, his hand landing on her breast, stroking her nipple through the silk of her robe. "I find I am obsessed with you, Miss Fleur."

It wasn't just his words that made her shiver or the way he said them but the way he said her name, Miss Fleur, as though it were a title worthy of mentioning. As though she were his equal and deserved to be called by her proper title.

She enjoyed it for only a moment before struggling not to grimace at the thought that flashed through her mind: This cannot last.

"As I said before," she said, gripping his hand to pull his fingers away from her nipple and rest his palm upon her stomach. "I won't be anybody's mistress."

"And as I said, I do not want that," he responded. His hand moved to her waist and he pulled her to him, forcing her to rest her cheek upon his chest. Even through his shirt, she could feel the warmth of his skin and knew that she would do anything to feel it over and over again.

"Then where do we go from here?" Fleur asked. You can't possibly think to marry me, she added silently, too frightened of what the answer might be. "I am just a gentleman's daughter. I have no noble blood."

With a deep sigh the king began to stroke the hair at the back of her head. She felt sand tickle her neck as it came loose of the strands and she nuzzled deeper into his chest to try and avoid it.

"You let me worry about all of that," he said softly. "You need never worry about anything, ever."

If only that were true, she thought but she couldn't bring herself to make any kind of protest. She was enjoying their closeness all too much to risk breaking it now.

We have been apart for long enough.

Chapter 11 - Theo

Hours later, Theo sat alone in his study. He had been trying to concentrate on the mountain of paperwork in front of him yet his mind continued to distract him, taking him back to his time on the beach.

Did that really happen? he continued to ask himself, remembering all too well how it had felt to be inside her. There was no way in hell he could have imagined that. She just felt too good.

I should have told her exactly what I wanted, he scolded himself with a groan, leaning back in his chair as he remembered how he had been unable to think of what to say when she had assured him that she would not be his mistress. How could he possibly tell her that he wanted her to be so much more until he knew whether she could be?

His only solace was remembering the shock on her face as he had told her that she no longer needed to remain in the tower room if she did not wish to.

" mean...I am free to go whenever and wherever I want?" She had gaped at him, her chocolate eyes widening, doe-like.

Tags: Lyra Atlas Kings of the Fae Islands Paranormal