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“We’re going on a little tour,” he said in a voice laced with mischief.

“I can’t go into the castle.” No fucking way.

“Why not?” He didn’t slow his pace, pulling my hand.

I could think of a million reasons. I wasn’t royal. I wasn’twelcome.There had to be some rule against it. A guard couldn’t just bring in a commoner, could they? “I’m not dressed for it,” was all I could say.

He scoffed, continuing to pull me along. “You look perfect,” he said with a quiet smile.

My heartbeat quickened. “You’re going to sneak me into the castle?’

“No sneaking required. I can bring in whomever I choose.”

“That’s a lot of freedom for a Royal Guard.”

“I’ve already told you, I’m very persuasive.”

Ascending the winding road from the city to the castle was not for the weak, and my legs protested the higher we got. But the excitement that radiated off of Cal was contagious as he chattered on and on about his trip to Blindbarrow, about his friends on the Guard, about the history of the castle.

Two guards stood at a pair of doors and merely nodded at us, swinging the doors open as we breezed through. No questions asked, no second glances. I assumed it wasn’t the main entrance to the castle as we were greeted by a torch-lit hallway, though I barely had time to look around before being pulled deeper into the castle. What came next could only be described as a labyrinth as Cal led me through corridor after corridor, up staircases and through doors and around corners. “Almost there,” he said more than once, a smile plastered to his face. I was in a daze trying to take notice of everything around me, though I saw nothing that I’d call recognizable.

Up one final dark stairwell and through a set of doors, we arrived in a massive antechamber, our footsteps echoing as we approached another set of doors. Two guards pulled them open as we approached. “Evening Cohen, Marcus,” he said to the guards, nodding. They nodded back to Cal as we entered. My jaw dropped.

A chandelier dripping in crystals hung from the ceiling, which was painted with scenes of Katia and Rhedros in battle. The white marble floors were pristine, the walls covered in large pieces of art framed in gold. A winding staircase rose above us, the carved banister a work of art in itself. Cavernous halls stretched out in every direction. It was breathtaking.

“Lady Petra,” Calomyr chimed, sketching a bow. “Welcome to the King’s Keep.”

My stomach lurched. “What?”

“He’s traveling,” he offered as an explanation.

“I thought you were on Low Royal Guard duty?” I whispered.

“Some days,” he said and shrugged. “Other days, I’m here. I haven't seen King Belin save for once, but he seems to appreciate the same level of opulence King Umfray did.” My eyes shot so wide I thought they’d fall from my head. He’d never once told me that. “You said you trusted me, right?” I spun in place, taking in every shade of opulence and wealth, the sight of it overwhelming every one of my senses as I moved my head in a weak nod.

He led me through dining rooms, sitting rooms, and dozens of bedrooms, each just as luxurious as the last. I was speechless as he told me what purpose each room served. I had no idea someone could need a family dining room and a formal dining room, a dining room just for tea and another for informal suppers. There were bedrooms for visiting dignitaries and some simply for show, each one with their own palatial bathing room.

“But this,” he said, pulling me toward a set of doors carved with intricate roses, no guards to be seen, “is why I brought you here.” He swung the doors open to reveal a bedroom the size of my house five times over. Every inch of the marble walls and high ceiling were carved with artwork, scenes of the Saints and their lore. Plush sofas and chairs surrounded a massive hearth, a fire blazing within, casting the room in varying shades of red and gold. The white marble floors boasted massive woven rugs, and I knew each cost more than all the money I’d make in my entire life. Crimson velvet was draped from the posts of a massive four-poster bed.

Then I realized where we were standing.

I whirled to Calomyr. “Is this the King’sbedroom?” He simply smiled in response, the dimples creasing his cheeks as he ran his tongue across his teeth. “Calomyr, wecannotbe here!” I whispered.

“But we can,” he said, his voice low as he approached me.

“But what if–”

His lips met mine, cutting me off mid sentence, my knees buckling. “What if we just enjoy it?” I pulled my lip into my mouth, biting down as I felt my nerves fray. The groan that came from his throat was animal. “You bite that lip,” he breathed, “and it makes me want to–”

He pulled me to him, his mouth searching mine so urgently that I had no control over the way my body melted in his arms. “I was tired of being quiet,” he panted, his hands roving my body. “I won’t have to cover your mouth here.” I almost crumbled at the words as he lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. “The Keep is ours for the night.”

“Cal, this is too much, this is–”

“Petra,” he said against my neck, the sound of his lips around my name sending me reeling before he pulled back to stare at me, “if you don’t mind, I’m going to fuck you in the King’s bed now.”

There weren’t words for the sinful feeling that washed over me. I fought to choke out a response. “As you wish,” I managed to whisper. His mouth moved back to my neck as he laid me on the bed, pulling my skin into his mouth, the feeling sending shockwaves to my core. My chest heaved as my eyes continued to nervously dart around the room, convinced we were going to be caught.

A wicked grin split his face as he stood, pulling his tunic over his head.Saints,the sight of his chest undid me every time, but in the brilliant light of the King’s bedroom, it set every one of my nerves on fire. He tossed his tunic to the side and started on his belt, placing his sword on the rug before staring at me, his trousers hanging off his hips, indecently low. He leaned over me, a hand on each side of my head, his thumbs grazing the sides of my neck. “You are my Queen, and I’d like to treat you as such.”

Tags: Lauren M. Leasure Fantasy