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3.16- Go Team Yellow.??Whatever. What the hell does a girl have to do to make Blue around here?

3.18- Elodie is out to get me. I can’t prove it, but I think it has something to do with Braxton inviting me to his table for dinner. He’s nice and all, but not what I’m into. Also, I know I’m being watched. And yet, when I mentioned all that to Song, she assured me I’m being paranoid. Just in case, I need to start hiding these notes.

4.2- Song is my only true friend. I think I might be in love with her. Sometimes I wonder if maybe we’re both just lonely, that we never would’ve hooked up in the outside world. But that world doesn’t exist for me anymore. The sooner I forget it, the better.

5.12- Song is holding something back. Whether it’s to protect me, or herself, I don’t know. Everyone puts up such a good front with their fancy manners and clothes. But I know I can’t trust anyone. They’re all out for themselves. It’s like being a noble at court, our lives revolve around pleasing King Arthur and gaining his favor.

6.28- Time traveling?

Freaking time traveling—like, for real—not just a construct?

Are they freaking kidding me?

6.30- Tomorrow I Trip. I really hope I find my way back.

6.31- Okay, that was awesome. Braxton ditched me for a while—caught him flirting with a smokin’-hot countess (too bad Elodie wasn’t around to see that!). But I made it back and I’ll admit: I’m kind of excited to do it again!

7.1- Officially Blue!

8.12- It’s really not so bad and Arthur is pleased with my efforts. Song and I are in love. Finn and Oliver are my good friends—and that’s more than I ever had before, so it’s time I stop with these silly sad notes and focus on truly making a life here. Funny how it took longer than I thought to arrive at this point, but shorter than I hoped.

Thirteen notes offering a pretty accurate chronicle of what it’s like to live as a newbie at Gray Wolf.

Question is: If she decided it wasn’t so bad, then where is she now?

That last note was dated August 12. By September, Elodie arrived at my school, scouting for a recruit.

Am I this girl’s replacement? And if so, is that what Song was referring to that night in the lighthouse, when she hinted that the only reason I’m here is because of an unexplained vacancy?

I gather the notes and stuff them back into the envelope. Then, after finding a bikini and flip-flops, I head out to the spa.

But on my way, I stop by the purple door and knock.

Tags: Alyson Noel Fantasy