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It had been two years since I’d found my purpose. Two years of living a life I’d never dared dream about. Once Mariella got back in the water, I couldn’t get her out. We’d traveled around the world, capturing photos and videos of places few had the privilege to see up close.

It was a good thing I’d turned down that magazine job. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have snapped the award-winning shot of a giant Pacific octopus that ended up on the cover of the next issue. Mariella went with me on that dive and every one since then.

We worked so well together. I didn’t know how I’d ever functioned without her by my side. Though she’d taken over the dive shop her parents had left her in Florida, she’d hired a full-time manager so we weren’t tied down. Mama Mae wished I’d settled in Broken Bend, but she was glad to have an excuse to travel to the coast. She and Mariella hit it off immediately, and I knew she’d be ecstatic when I finally popped the question.

My hesitation had nothing to do with my love for my sea star, but I wanted the moment to be perfect. Which was why I’d made arrangements to bring her back to where it all started to celebrate our two-year anniversary.

“Do you think she’s changed over the years?” Mariella prepped her equipment while I picked a spot to anchor.

“If she’s anything like you, she’s only gotten more beautiful.” I smiled as Mariella rolled her eyes.

“You don’t have to lay it on so thick. You’re already going to get laid tonight,” she said.

She’d become such a different woman than that one I’d met two years ago. No, different wasn’t the right word. She’d become brighter, warmer, more open. And being around her brought out the best in me. Even a few of my foster brothers commented on my change in attitude the last time we’d traveled down to Broken Bend, Texas.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Mariella glanced over her shoulder. I couldn’t get over the gorgeous art my brother Connor had inked on her shoulder the last time we’d been in Texas. He’d used some sort of special treatment on the mermaid’s scales that caused them to sparkle in the sun.

“I’ve been eager to come back here.” I cut the engine and closed the distance between us. “Feels like we’re coming full circle, you know?”

She nodded. “I do.”

Fuck, hearing her say those two little words made me break out in a sweat. If things went my way, I’d hear them again soon.

“Let’s go say hi.” I pulled my wetsuit up over my chest and slid my arms through the sleeves. Knowing I’d regret it, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Mariella as she tugged her tight suit in place. Nothing like diving with a hard-on. Thankfully, we didn’t have a boat full of students.

“Everything okay over there?” she cocked her hip, knowing the sight of her ass would make me even harder.

“If it weren’t already so late, I’d jerk that suit down your thighs and have my way with you, my sea star.”

“If it weren’t already so late, I’d let you.” She leaned over and kissed me.

I gripped her ass in one hand and gave it a squeeze. “Let’s do this so we can get back to shore.”

She laughed, then finished pulling on her equipment. A few minutes later, we started our descent. I’d picked this time of day, figuring it would be less crowded, and I was right. We had the bay to ourselves.

I reached for her hand, threading my fingers with hers as we sank toward the ocean floor. The mermaid came into view. We hadn’t been down here since the day after we met. The day I promised Mariella I’d never walk away from her again. I’d kept my promise and with the Emerald Princess’s help, I planned to put a ring on my woman’s finger tonight.

Mariella didn’t know it, but I’d visited the mermaid earlier in the day. It was too difficult to see if the items I’d stashed behind her were still there from my current angle. I signaled Mariella that I was going to go closer, and she dropped my hand.

I kicked my legs, propelling myself away from her and toward the back of the mermaid. The laminated signs were where I’d left them. I patted my chest to make sure the ring was still tucked into my wetsuit. Satisfied I had what I needed, I touched the mermaid for luck and swam around her side.

Mariella hovered in front of me, her eyes wide behind the mask. I held up the first sign.



Mariella’s eyes widened. I flipped to the next sign.



She clasped her hands together over her heart.

Tags: Eve London Erotic