Page 47 of The Second Husband

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“That’s the weirdest part. It was mine.”

“Whoa. And you definitely didn’t pop in earlier?”

“Not unless I was sleepwalking.”

“How would anyone know your code? Do you have it written down somewhere?”

“No... but I guess Eric and Dario could have noticed it over my shoulder.” She presses fingers to her lips, her mind racing. “But Eric would have told me on the phone if he was going to drop by. And why would Dario need to sneak around in there at night?”

“Do you trust him?”

“He’s only been on board a year, but I don’t have any reasonnotto.”

Tom pours himself a glass of water from the tap, but from the look on his face she can tell he’s still tossing the situation around in his mind.

“Is it possible he fell behind and snuck in to get caught up without making it obvious? And used your code so you wouldn’t know he’d been there?”

Emma nods slowly, considering. “Maybe, but we have a pretty easygoing workplace, and if he did have any issues keeping up, I’m pretty sure he’d feel comfortable telling me.”

“I hope so,” Tom says. “Either way, better change your code first thing in the morning.”

“Right, I will. Now, enough aboutmynight. Let’s go up and then I want to know how the dinner went.”

After locking up and retreating to the bedroom, they both undress for bed.

“So?” Emma asks, as she slips between the covers next to Tom.

“It went really well. I feel like I’ve made some progress with Brittany this summer, and tonight we had a really nice, relaxed conversation.”

“That’s terrific, Tom. What did you guys talk about?”

“The work she’s been doing, some of the agency’s newest campaigns, and a fair amount about Diana. There’s no doubt she’s still very grief-stricken, which of course makes me feel a bit guilty. Since I’ve met you, I’ve been able to be truly happy again, but it’s different for Brittany. No one’s going to take the place of her mother.”

Emma nods. “And I’m sure it’s hard for her to see that you’ve moved on, that you’re in such a different place emotionally than her. Why don’t you try to squeeze in a few more one-on-one dinners before she leaves? I can always find something to do on my own.”

“That’s a good idea, thanks. It also makes me realize I haven’t asked about your author event. Was the guy interesting?”

“Yes, but I’ll save it for our dinner at the Spotted Horse Friday night.”

She reaches over to switch off the bedside lamp by her side of the bed and Tom does the same with his.

“Oh wait,” Emma says into the darkness. “You said you’d explain what came up at work today. Are you and Dan still trying to sort through the numbers?”

“Yes, but that wasn’t the reason for the delay. I was going to spare you tonight, but I hate sitting on it. The infamous Detective Webster paid me a visit late this afternoon.”

Emma launches forward from the waist, swivels in Tom’sdirection, and then props herself up on an elbow. The detective must have been in the car on her way to Westport when Dunne spoke to her.

“Oh, Tom, I’m so sorry. I was hoping she wouldn’t just show at your office.”

“Well, in a literal sense she didn’t. She waited in the parking lot for me to leave the building and approached me as I was unlocking my car.”

“That’s basically an ambush. How did she respond when you said you wanted a lawyer present?”

“Promise not to kill me, okay?” Emma’s eyes have adjusted to the dark and she sees Tom’s mouth form a wan smile. “I decided to take the bull by the horns and invite her out for coffee.”

She gasps, stunned. “When?”

“Right then. I pushed back dinner by an hour, and Webster and I went to a café. And now it’s behind us.”

Emma’s heart sinks. He’s done the very thing Dunne warned him not to do. And she very much doubts that it’s behind them.

Tags: Kate White Thriller