Page 7 of State

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When State rested a hand on the back of my shoulder, I jolted. “She’ll be fine. Country will make sure she sleeps it off. He won’t do shit to her. We aren’t—”

“I wasn’t thinking that,” I quickly said. “I just wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be the supporting friend and save her from an argument in the morning with her guy or leave her and let her suffer.”

His lips twitched. “I’m guessin’ you’re goin’ with the last one?”

Sighing, I nodded. “Does that make me a bad friend?”

“Nah, darlin’.”

“Are you sure? I mean, we kind of drifted apart recently, and when she asked me to come out with her, I caved because I knew it was my fault we’d been distant…. Why am I telling you this?” I took a heavy mouthful of my drink and swallowed. “Sorry.”

“She was ready to leave your ass in a place you’ve never been, and around a bunch of bikers, just to get it on with her man. If I were you, I wouldn’t feel bad over leavin’ Country to deal with her shit in the mornin’.”

Well, she definitely was going to do that.

“I suppose.” I nodded.

“Who drove here?”

“I did, thankfully.”

“Smart. But now it’s up to you if you want to leave, or you can hang and shoot the shit with me while you finish your drink. No pressure.”

Even if he hadn’t said no pressure, I’d already known there wouldn’t be.

Drawing in a breath, I said, “I’d like to finish my drink.”

The smile he shot my way brought the fluttering to life in my belly.

“Wanna grab a seat with me?” He nodded toward a spare table. When I bobbed my head, he led us over there with his hand warming my lower back again.

My pulse raced, and I shivered. This man was too attractive for his own good.

But I wouldn’t believe there could be anything between us. It would be easy to get caught up in the fantasy of the hot biker. Still, I wanted to enjoy his company, even if it was only for the night.

When we sat, I took another sip of my drink. Since I was driving, one would do, but I wanted to make it last.

“Do you have any family?” I asked. “I mean, besides the group here.”

He grinned. “They’re my brothers here. But other than them, I don’t have anyone. My mom and dad passed away a few years ago. Only a couple of months apart. When Dad lost Mom to cancer, I knew he wouldn’t be far behind. She was his world.”

That kind of love was what I wanted in my life. I smiled softly. “Sorry to hear you lost them.”

He shrugged. “Shit happens.”

“That it does. My parents are that in love too. I could see the same thing happening with them.”

“You’re close with them?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “I see them every Sunday for family dinner. My brothers try and make it, if they’re not busy.”

“How many are there?”

“Three. Carter, Calvin, and Casper.”

His dark brows shot up. “Your parents must really like the letter C.”

A laugh fell from my lips. “I guess they do.”

He took a pull of his beer, and I watched his throat work. It was unfair how good-looking this man was. He made my body come alive. I wanted to offer myself up as a sacrifice, but I couldn’t be his. There wasn’t a chance that would be happening.

Not only were we worlds apart, but he was probably only looking for a one-night stand. I couldn’t give in to even that. If I did, I’d become addicted.

Instead, I’d admire him for the night while we chatted. He was good company.

One night of talking. I could allow myself that.

And hope it didn’t leave me wanting more.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic